Research Questions & the “Language” of Variables & Hypotheses Baxter & Babbie, 2003, Chapters 3 & 4 (Mostly)
Recall: Research Questions n Questions researchers ask themselves, not the questions they ask their informants n Must be empirically testable n Not u too vague u too general u untestable (with implicit, untested assumed outcomes)
Relationship of Theory & Empirical Observation (Wheel of Science)
Conceptualization & Operationalization Conceptualization Conceptual, abstract (or theoretical) definition - a careful, systemic definition of a construct that is explicitly written to clarify one’s thinking Operationalization linking a conceptual definition to specific measurement technique(s) or procedure(s) operational definition - the definition of a variable in terms of the specific activities to measure or indicators in the empirical world
Matching Theoretical Concepts & Empirical (Operational) Measures n Example: (Which county had “worst” damage from bad weather?)
Conceptualization Issues: Distinguishing between Theory & Ideology n Similarities u Set of assumptions or starting point u System of concepts/ideas u Specifies relationships between concepts (usually “causes”) n But social scientific theories u Recognize uncertainly u Process oriented u Based on evidence u Seek logical consistency etc..
Elements of Theory n Concepts n Assumptions n Propositions/Hypotheses u about relationships, association
Which Theory is Best? n Fewest assumptions (parsimony) n Covers widest range of phenomena n More accurate predictions # 1
Measurement? systematic observation can be replicated (by someone else) Measures: Concepts (constructs), theories measurement instrument/tools Need to recognize concept in observations (measures) ??(# of library holdings as a measure of quality of university?) MacLeans Magazine survey results, 2000.
Concepts n Symbol (image, words, practices…) n definition n must be shared to have social meaning n Some only have one value (homelessness) n Concepts with more than one possible value or attribute sometimes called variables n Concept clusters (ex. ethnic minorities) n Constructs (in operational stage-- use multiple measures or indicators)
Assumptions n not necessarily explicit (may be implied-- implicit) n not tested through observation in the context used n concepts and theories build on assumptions Example: Some communication research “deconstructs” assumptions in everyday life– can do the same with scholarly research
Classification as conceptualization n typology u intersection of simple concepts forms new concepts u broader, abstract concepts that bring together narrower, more concrete concepts ex. Emile Durkheim’s 4 types of suicide u Varies by degree of integration to and regulation by society u Altruistic (+I), Anomic (-I), Egotistical (- R), Fatalistic (+R) Photo: R. Drew, AP
Propositions n logical statement about a (usually causal) relationship between two variables n i.e. “Increased television watching leads to more shared family time and better communication between children & their parents”
From Concept to Measure Neuman (2000: 162)
Examples of Developing Conceptual & Operational Definitions Construct = alienation if you theorize 4 components (family, work, community, friends) then operational definition must take all into account & measures Construct= green consumer?
Rules for Creating Measures Measures must be: mutually exclusive possible observations must only fit in one category exhaustive categories must cover all possibilities composite measures must also be: uni-dimensional
Operationalization Issue: Choices in Level of Measurement Based on n purposes of the study & conceptual definitions u What is range in variation of “attributes” is necessary for measuring your concept? n Practical constraints
Variable n Must have more than one possible “value” or “attribute” n context important, ex. u Religion (variable) F Possible Attributes: protestant, catholic, muslim, jewish, etc… u Protestant (variable) F Possible attributes: baptist, united, presbyterian, anglican etc...
*Types of variables* n dependent variable (effect) n independent variable (cause) n intervening variable n control variable
Causal Relationships n proposed for testing (NOT like assumptions) n 5 characteristics of causal hypothesis u at least 2 variables u cause-effect relationship u can be expressed as prediction u logically link to research question+ a theory u falsifiable
Examples of 2 possible Relationships between Two Variables (p.52)
Types of Hypotheses (note plural form) n null hypothesis u predicts there is no relationship u if evidence support null hypothesis then???? n Direct relationship (positive correlation) n Indirect relationships (negative correlation)
Ways of stating causal relationships n causes, n leads to, n is related to, n influences, n is associated with, n if…then…, the higher….the lower n etc…
Hypothesis Testing
Possible outcomes in Testing Hypotheses (using empirical research) n support (confirm) hypothesis n reject (not support) hypothesis n partially confirm or fail to support n avoid use of PROVE
Causal diagrams X Y Direct relationship (positive correlation) Indirect relationship (negative correlation)
Types of Errors in Causal Explanation n ecological fallacy n reductionism n tautology n teleology n Spuriousness
Double-Barrelled Hypothesis & Interaction Effect OR Means one of THREE things 1 2
Interaction effect
Ecological Fallacy & Reductionism ecological fallacy--wrong unit of analysis (too high) reductionism--wrong unit of analysis (too low)
Teleology & Tautology tautology--circular reasoning (true by definition) teleology--too vague for testing Neuman (2000: 140)
Spurious Relationship spuriousness--false relationship (unseen third variable or simply not connected) Neuman (2000: 140)
Examples n Storks and babies u Lots of storks seen around an apartment building u An increase in number of pregnancies u ??? ?
But... n The relationship is spurious. u The storks liked the heat coming from the smokestacks on the roof of the building, and so were more likely to be attracted to that building. u The tenants of the building were mostly young newlyweds starting families. u So…the storks didn’t bring the babies after all.
Causal Diagram for Storks n Stork = S n Baby = B S B + n Newlywed = N n Chimneys on Building = C NB + CS +
Examples (cont’d) n The larger the number of firefighters, the greater the damage
But... n A larger number of firefighters is necessary for a larger fire. Of course, a larger fire will cause more damage than a small one.
Causal Diagram n Firefighter = F n Damage = D n Size of Fire = S FD + F S + + D
Examples from research (cont’d) n tall 15 yr. olds like shopping more than basketball
But... n Fifteen year old girls are likely to be taller, since they are having a growth spurt at that age. n Fifteen year old girls are more likely to prefer shopping to sports. n Thus, it is gender, not height, that is the deciding factor.