Christianity Judaism Islam Three Religions Chart Christianity Judaism Islam
Monotheism Belief in one god
Polytheism Belief in many gods
deity god or gods--deities Not Capital “G” God
Crossroads of 3 Religions The Middle East is the birthplace of three of the world’s five major religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
The religion of Islam spread across North Africa as traders came to the region from SW Asia. Today, most North Africans are Muslim.
What are the people called? Christianity Deity God What are the people called? Christians Book of Rules Bible
Christainity Worship Site Church Leader Depends on Church Important City Jerusalem
Christianity Founder Abraham Jesus Holidays Special Observances Christmas Easter Language All
Christianity Symbol
What are the people called? Judaism Deity God What are the people called? Jews Book of Rules Torah
Judaism Worship Site Temple Synagogue Leader Rabbi Important City Jerusalem
Judaism Founder Abraham Holidays Special Observances Yom Kippur Purim Hanukah Language Hebrew
Judaism Symbol
What are the people called? Islam Deity Allah What are the people called? Muslims Book of Rules Koran Quran
Islam Worship Site Mosque Leader Inman Mullah Important City Mecca Medina Jerusalem
Islam Founder Abraham Mohammed Holidays Special Observances Hajj Ramadan Language Arabic
Islam Symbol