Located at coastal area in Hebei Province in China, about 200km to Beijing Location 220km
Another 2 Names
Czechoslovakia government presented 670 sets of farming machines 59 Years ago History 7 experts taught operating Zator Tractors. Receiving Ceremony
Former Premier Mr. Zhou Enlai named the place--- “ Zhongjie Friendship Farm”. Zhongjie means Sino-Czech- Slovakia. History. We have A history of know-how transfer since 1956.
Many stories occurred between two peoples Communication
North Part: I.High Educational Park II.Technology Innovation Park III.Enterprise Headquarter Park South Part: IV.General Aviation Park V.Hi-end Manufacture Park VI.New Material Park Ⅰ Ⅲ Ⅱ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Industry Playout Planning Area for First Stage is km 2
--Hebei Agricultural University Bohai College --Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Oriental College --Zhongjie Vocational School Ⅰ High Educational Park High Education --About 20,000 students at school --Slovak Agriculture University --Czech Charles University --Poland Nowy Saz Business School
1 Sino-Euro technology transfer center 2 R&D institutes 6 Laboratories Ⅱ Technology Innovation Park Technology Innovation
Ⅲ Enterprise Headquarter Park Business Environment
Ⅳ General Aviation Park Whole chain of general aviation industry: airport, manufacturing, assembly, maintenance, training, operating and service. General Aviation Rotorcraft manufacturing F AIR flight training Aircraft-engine production
Ⅴ Hi-end Manufacture Park --Intelligent equipment --Energy equipment Some automobile parts project from South Korea has settled down. Hi-end Manufacturing
Ⅵ New Material Park --Advanced polymer material --High-performance composite material New Material Nanofiber Window Screen project with Nafigate is making substantial progress.
Sino-Euro Park Governor of Hebei Province found we have many friends and partners in Europe. Set up Sino-Euro Industrial Park in Zhongjie as main platform to foreign projects
Foreign Platform 3 terms of Diplomatic Summit and Foreign Cooperation Forum
Foreign Agents Signed agent cooperation with 3 entities from Slovakia, Czech and Poland Became membership of SSCC in November 2014
European Office of Zhongjie Hi-tech Zone Since 20th Sep 2015 Add: Room 304, Safarikovo nam, , Bratislava, Slovakia Contact: Adams Liu
Huoerguosi Wulumuqi Lanzhou Xi’an Strategies Hebei “ Integration of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei ” “One Belt, One Road” “Upgrading of Hebei Coastal Area”
2016“16+1” The 2016 Central &Eastern European Countries and China Local Leader Meeting will held in Hebei Province.
Incentives Many incentives for foreign investing projects are being implemented. Favorable Policy on Encouraging Foreign Investors Capital Subsidy Project Site Port Trade
Beautiful City
Livable City
Homelike City
Zhongjie Hi-tech Zone --- entering gold development stage --- seeking for cooperation on high-tech projects --- opening arms more widely to foreign friends
Welcome to Cangzhou Zhongjie Hi-tech Zone Thank you! Contact: Adams Liu Website: www.