H. Wieman1STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR HFT PIXEL Detector WBS 1.2 Howard Wieman LBNL.


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Presentation transcript:

H. Wieman1STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR HFT PIXEL Detector WBS 1.2 Howard Wieman LBNL

H. Wieman2STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR Topics - PXL (WBS 1.2) PXL design and status Deliverables Development and Construction Plan Schedule Risks Cost Manpower

H. Wieman3STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR Pixel geometry. These inner two layers provide the projection precision 2.5 cm radius 8 cm radius Inner layer Outer layer End view One of two half cylinders 20 cm  coverage +-1 total 40 ladders

H. Wieman4STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR Some pixel features and specifications Pointing resolution(12  19GeV/p  c)  m LayersLayer 1 at 2.5 cm radius Layer 2 at 8 cm radius Pixel size18.4  m X 18.4  m Hit resolution8  m rms Position stability6  m (20  m envelope) Radiation thickness per layer X/X 0 = 0.37% Number of pixels436 M Integration time (affects pileup) 0.2 ms Radiation tolerance300 kRad to MeV n equiv/cm 2 Rapid detector replacement < 8 Hours critical and difficult more than a factor of 3 better than other vertex detectors (ATLAS, ALICE and PHENIX)

H. Wieman5STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR Performance features 50  m Silicon detector chips, MAPS –thin –small pixels, high resolution Air cooling Mechanical stability Hybrid uncertainty area MAPS uncertainty area pointing accuracy comparison

H. Wieman6STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR Alternate Technologies Considered Hybrid –X 0 large (1.2%) –Pixel Size large (50  m x 450  m) –Specialized manufacturing - not readily available CCDs –Limited radiation tolerance –Slow frame rate, pileup issues –Specialized manufacturing DEPFET –Specialized manufacturing –very aggressive unproven technology

H. Wieman7STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR Stability requirement drives design choices The detector ladders are thinned silicon, on a flex kapton/aluminum cable The large CTE difference between silicon and kapton is a potential source of thermal induced deformation even with modest deg C temperature swings Two methods of control –ALICE style carbon composite sector support beam with large moment of inertia –Soft decoupling adhesive bonding ladder layers

H. Wieman8STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR HFT PXL status Mechanical stability analysis completed (controlled to 20  m) –thermal deformation –gravity induced sag –humidity induced deformation –support vibration

H. Wieman9STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR HFT PXL status-thermal analysis and testing Silicon power: 100 raised to 170 mW/cm 2 (~ power of sunlight) 350 W total Si + drivers

H. Wieman10STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR PXL status - thermal test results Hot spots for images at location 0-21 cm (3 cm step): 41.2, 42.5, 41.4, 41.6, 41.4, 40.5, 40.1, 38.3 ºC “sensor” heaters:~230 W Pt heaters:~25 W Driver heaters:~40 W Total:~295 W Airflow 16 m/s max min room ∆T above ambient room temperature: 11.5 deg C

H. Wieman11STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR HFT PXL status – air flow vibration tests air velocity probe two positions shown capacitance vibration probe two positions shown carbon fiber sector beam adjustable wall for air turn around air in air out no reinforcement at the end 8 µm 3 µm 2 µm 11 µm 4 µm reinforced end

H. Wieman12STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR HFT PXL status – fabrication and tooling

H. Wieman13STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR HFT PXL status – insertion design insertion mechanism to guide detector around beam pipe and beam pipe support uses track and carriage with hinge and cam to guide into final docking position

H. Wieman14STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR HFT PXL status – installation design a well controlled method for installation of the pixel detector has been developed with emphasis on ease of operation and avoidance of detector risk The PXL assembly will be enclosed in a carrying box that is equipped for transfer of the detector assembly into the PXL support tube Once inserted on tracks the detector is guided into position locking kinematic mounts

H. Wieman15STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR PXL Deliverables –Pixel Insertion Structure –Pixel Insertion Tool –a total of 10 sectors, with each sector containing: one ladder at a radius of 2.5 cm three ladders at a radius of 8.0 cm –With each ladder containing: ten Si detector elements one readout board –two DAQ receiver PCs –PC based control and monitoring system –two clam shells, with 5 sectors integrated and aligned on each clam shell –The two clam shells will be installed in Pixel Insertion Tools, ready for insertion onto the New Cone Structure –One additional complete detector and sufficient sector and populated ladder components to have the capability to fabricate two more complete detector assemblies –Provide services including cabling and cooling

H. Wieman16STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR PXL WBS items (high level) PXL Mechanics – Module Support (Sector) – Detector Support (D-Tube/Kinematic Mount) – Insertion Mechanism and Internal Service Support PXL Electronics – Phase-1 PXL Sensor Chips – Final PXL Sensor Chips – Ladder Cable – PXL Prototype Ladder Assembly – Read-Out Electronics – PXL Sensor Ladder Production Detector Assembly – Prototype Sector Assembly – D-Tube Assembly and Survey Tool (Engineering) – Sector Mount and Survey (Engineering) – Final Assembly (Engineering) – Production Sector Assembly – D-Tube Assembly – Sector Mount and Survey – Final Assembly (Production) – System Test (Production) Infrastructure – Cables – Cooling Services – Rack Equipment Installation – Pixel Installation in-situ

H. Wieman17STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR Electronics Development Plan Develop sensor chips, 3 generation program (WBS ) Develop readout electronics (WBS ) –STAR compatible readout system - limited channel count –Upgrade to full detector capability Develop flex PC readout cable (WBS ) –copper version –aluminum version Develop chip testing and characterization system (WBS , ) –chip level –probe test level Production testing of ladders (WBS )

H. Wieman18STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR Mechanical Development plan Design detector structures (WBS , , 1.2.3) Design fabrication tooling (WBS , 1.2.3) Design installation (WBS , 1.2.5) Analyze structure stability and cooling (WBS ) Prototype structures using developed tooling (WBS , , ) Test structure stability and cooling (WBS , , ) Prototype installation and insertion (WBS , ) Prototype sectors with prototype sensors (WBS , ) Design and build cooling plant (WBS ) Test engineering prototype Install and operate engineering prototype (WBS 1.2.5) Produce final detector sectors (WBS ) Test final detector system (WBS ) Install and operate final detector system (WBS 1.2.5)

H. Wieman19STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR milestones

H. Wieman20STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR PXL Risk Assessment, selected high risk examples WBS #Description of RiskMitigation Air cooling, new technology, high technical riskEarly in the program carry out detailed cooling analysis, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), followed with tests using a full scale realistic prototype mock-up Air cooling, source of vibration, high technical risk Early in the program carry out vibration and deformation measurements of the sector structure in the appropriate air flow stream New sector/ladder support technology, high technical risk Perform early FEA analysis of the structures and measure prototype structures as soon as possible to determine if the proposed design meets the requirements Risk that aluminum cable fabrication leads to technical and schedule problems. (high risk) schedule float, visit vendor and work collaboratively and test production capabilities early Risk of radiation damage to inner silicon layer. The expected dose for maximum Au+ Au luminosity is to MeV n equiv/cm 2 per season. This is comparable to tolerance levels of our detectors Improve measurements of rad hardness and STAR radiation levels. Design for rapid replacement capability.

H. Wieman21STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR

H. Wieman22STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR Electronic Manpower (5 yr period) nametitleinst.functionFTE PXL Leo GreinerSr. Sci. Eng LBNLLead detector electronics5 Michal SzelezniakPost docLBNLMAPS and readout expert, software, firmware 2 Xiangming SunPost docLBNLReadout expert, software, firmware2 TBDPost docsoftware, firmware2 Chin VuElectronic Eng LBNLReadout, testing, firmware.5 Thorsten Stezelberger Electronic Eng LBNLReadout, firmware.5 Jo SchambachPhysicistTBDReadout, firmware, testing3 Rhonda WitharmE TechLBNLwire bonding, fabrication1.5 Jacque BellE TechLBNLfabrication1.5 John WolfE TechLBNLfabrication1.5

H. Wieman23STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR Mechanics Manpower (5 yr period) nametitleinst.functionFTE PXL Eric Anderssen Mechanical Eng LBNLLead Eng..2 Howard Wieman PhysicistLBNLmechanical design, analysis, testing 4 TBDMechanical Eng mechanical design, production supervision 1.2 Tom Johnston M TechLBNLcomposite fabrication, assembly 2.4 Mario Cepeda M TechLBNLfabrication, assembly2.4 additionalM TechsLBNLfabrication, assembly2.4 Michal Szelezniak Post docLBNLmechanical testing.2

H. Wieman24STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR Summary MAPS technology development going well Readout electronics well advanced and tested Very low mass detector support designs have passed multiple analysis tests and prototype tests addressing cooling and position stability. Tooling is in place and tested for sector/ladder production Concept designs for installation and insertion are well advanced Risks have been identified and are being addressed at an early stage Design and testing have matured sufficiently to make accurate cost estimates

H. Wieman25STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR backup

H. Wieman26STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR Sensor and Readout Development Plan Mimostar–2 30 µm pixel, 128 x 128 array 1.7 ms integration time 1 analog output Mimostar–3 30 µm pixel, 320 x 640 array 2.0 ms integration time 2 analog outputs Phase–1 30 µm pixel, 640 x 640 array 640 µs integration time, CDS 4 binary digital outputs Final (Ultimate) 18.4 µm pixel, 1024 x 1088 array ≤ 200 µs integration time, CDS, zero suppression 2 digital outputs (addresses) SensorSensor RDO 50 MHz readout clock JTAG interface, control infrastructure ADCs, FPGA CDS & cluster finding zero suppression ≤ 4 sensor simultaneous readout 160 MHz readout clock JTAG interface, control infrastructure zero suppression 120 sensor simultaneous readout 160 MHz readout clock JTAG interface, control infrastructure 400 sensor simultaneous readout (full system) DONE PROTOTYPED Gen

H. Wieman27STAR HFT CD1 Review, BNL, November 2009 STAR