SOME STATISTICS ABOUT SOCIETY Each year of secondary education reduces the probability of public welfare dependence in adulthood by 35%. In the communities where many of our scholars come from, the high school dropout rate is higher than 50%.
HOW BOYS HOPE GIRLS HOPE HELPS! 100% of scholars who have completed our program (Boys Hope Girls Hope) have gone on to pursue higher education. Boys Hope Girls Hope helps academically capable and motivated children-in-need to meet their full potential They help provide a home, help on school work, Scholarships, and much more
HOW THEY DO IT Boys Hope Girls Hope maintains a network of relationships with parents, educators, clergy, social workers and other childcare professionals who recommend children to the program. The program pulls children from all different ethnicities, socioeconomic groups, and religions
Boys Hope Girls Hope is supported by the generosity of people like you! Thank you very much for your donations !