A psychological and emotional form of abuse. Known as social bullying and Girl Bullying. Behavior that uses the power of relationships to hurt other people. A covert form of bullying.
Exclusion Ignoring Malicious gossip and rumor spreading Taunts and insults Teasing Intimidation Manipulative affection Alliance building Cyber bullying Lies Humiliation Insults Verbal criticism
Belonging Fear Drama
Anxiety Loneliness Low self-esteem Poor social self-competence Depression Psychosomatic symptoms Social withdrawal School refusal, school avoidance Poor academic performance Physical health complaints Running away from home Alcohol and drug use
“ There are several theories about this. Some believe that a contributing factor is the fact that girls are socialized to be “nice” and generally not encouraged to express anger or other messy feelings. Instead, they are expected to “get along with everyone” and “be a good girl.” For many girls, this repressed anger eventually comes out in the more subtle form of RA.” Carney,Susan. Relational Aggression and Teens. 14 March.2008.
This study proposes to investigate the degree to which higher levels of skill and willingness to use relational aggression (RA) in girls is associated with being liked or disliked by their peers.