ISPA – NIPA presentation Belfast, 3 May 2012 Polymers and plastics processing in France ISPA – A Centre of Excellence in Polymers and Plastics Processing Engineering School Apprentice training centre Research and Development Centre Corporate Training and Technology Transfer Examples of Research Projects
2 The French Plastics Processing Industry production plants employees job opportunities / year 2 nd in Europe after Germany 31,2 billion € turnover 6 % of French industry M€ exports 6 th world exporter M€ imports 3 rd world importer
French market consumption shares % / volume
4 France’s 10 main customers (M €)
2 Main Geographical Areas East Rhône-Alpes / Franche-Comté – 972 businesses / employees West Normandy / Centre / Pays de la Loire / Brittany – 901 businesses / employees Alençon
Institut Supérieur de Plasturgie d'Alençon A strategic centre in Polymers and Plastics Processing Opening opportunities for partnerships and cooperation
L’ Institut Supérieur de Plasturgie d’Alençon Processing workshops Small business incubator Administrative area Amphithéâtre R & D Labs R & D Compounding area Classrooms
Our Goal : Bringing added value to Businesses through People, Technology and Innovation. 2 Administrative bodies French Plastics Alençon Federation Chamber of Commerce L’ Institut Supérieur de Plasturgie d’Alençon A business- oriented school « Made by businesses for businesses »
Engineering School (Master’s Degree) 800 graduates Apprentice Training School (CIFAP) 820 apprentices Continuing Education Centre K€ p.a. Technology Transfer Centre 600 K€ p.a. Research Centre 600 K € p.a. ISPA School ISPA Business A Centre of Excellence in Polymers and Plastics Processing 5 main activities in one place 26 staff 31 staff Since 1993 Since 2002
Hall Library Lecture Theatre Our Premises
ISPA Engineering School Polymers and Plastics Processing Graduates from 2000 to 2010 Total Number of Apprentices ISPAAlençon39127%13970% MINESDouai26418% ITECHLyon29521%6130% INSALyon32423% INSAStrasbourg16011% The recent partnership between the prestigious Ecole des Mines de Douai and ISPA will be able to satisfy 50% of the needs for specialised engineers in the Plastics and Composites industry. It will also develop our reputation and increase awareness on a national and international level.
Increasing awareness of the ISPA Engineering School Developing International contacts Partnership with BASF Chemical Company International exchange programmes for students and apprentices Engaging with Design and Business Schools Design & Innovation in Plastics Competition, ISPA 2012 Building partnerships with other Engineering Schools Ecole des Mines de Douai
Increasing awareness of the ISPA Engineering School 2 examples of innovative Engineering school projects Renault Industrial platform Demonstrator to achieve 95% recycling of « end-of-life » vehicles with “Renault Environnement” Technip A project involving ISPA students from Year 1 to Year 3 Knowledge transfer and internships
Industrial Process Technology Platform
Research Centre : Materials Laboratory D.S.C. TF- IR X.R.F Tensile Testing Impact testing Extraction
ISPA Research and Development 4 Focus Areas: Research on surface and interface phenomena, Chemical, physical, rheological and mechanical research Development of polymer blends and formulations Natural fibre/ polymers, metal/polymers, ceramic/polymers Study of the correlation between material development and final properties “From a sustainable development viewpoint” Development of bio-based materials, recycling Formulation and improvement of the properties of bio-sourced materials
Research and Development – « Matoria » : MATériaux d’Origine Renouvelable Innovants pour l’Automobile Objective Stakeholders Substitute a significant part of fossil-fuel based plastics on vehicules by Develop new bio-based plastic materials corresponding to 6 pre-defined profiles Industry Academia Plastics Federation stakeholders Overall Budget : € Duration : 46 months
Research and Development – « Compo’line » Objectives Stakeholders Development of a wood polymer industry in Normandy for interior design and furnishings -Increased design innovation and flexilibility, reduced processing and manufacturing time -Development of a new 100% bio-based wood polymer composite -Creation of an innovative network associating the wood and plastics industries. Overall Budget : € Duration : 36 months
Research and Development – « Lint » Objectives Stakeholders SAS HOLDING DEPESTELE Development of new materials reinforced with long flax fibres - Optimising the growing and harvesting of technical flax - Development of linen-fibre-based semi-products and bio-composites for applications in aerospace, sport and leisure, construction industry (structural parts) - Study of recycling these materials and their environmental impact Overall Budget : € Duration : 36 months
Development : Material Formulation Design Digital Simulation 3D Prototyping Technology Watch Research Expertise, Networks Documentation Technology Transfer Centre Qualification Products, Materials Tooling and Processes Fund Sourcing Laboratory Expertise and Analysis
2300 trainees per year 2500 industrial mentors trained since 1986 85 % of our training programs are customised Introductory Training Programmes Plastic Materials and Polymers Job profiles in Plastic Processing Core Training Programs Press Setting Process Optimization Mold and Piece Design Robot systems Industrial Environment Training Quality Management Lean Manufacturing Vocational Training Professional Training Qualifications NVQs Corporate Training Programmes
Other partners and customers
Institut Supérieur de Plasturgie d'Alençon Robert Moreau: Director Claire Horner: International Development Laurent Cauret: Research and Development François Browne de Kilmaine: Director Alençon Chamber of Commerce Your Contacts