Increasing Knowledge of Self-Esteem & Enhancing Math Skills A Small Group for 6 th Grade Girls
SCOPE (continued)
National Mathematics Standards: NUMBER AND OPERATIONS: NM-NUM.PK-2.1: Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers and number systems. National School Counseling Standards: Personal/Social: Standard A: Acquire the knowledge, attitudes, interpersonal skills to help in understanding, respecting self and others. PS:A1. Acquire self-knowledge. 1. Develop positive attitudes toward self as a unique and worthy person.
CONSENT Group Counseling Consent Form Date: Dear Parent of: ________________________________________________________ Student NameSchool Grade As a part of your child’s middle school experience, the School Counseling Department will provide a Group Counseling Opportunity for all female students. With your permission, your child will be added to the list for participation and added to the rotating enrollment list. This counseling experience will be an all female group setting and meet once a week for a month for a total of four ninety minute sessions. These sessions will be offered during the regular school day. The group will target increasing the self esteem of these middle school girls. Please feel free to contact the School Counseling Department if you have questions or to obtain additional information. By completing and signing below, you are giving permission to for your child to participate in the program. Permission is effective for the following school year: _______________ Please check the appropriate box and return to form to school. I give permission for my child, ____________________________, to participate in the school counseling program outlined above. I need more information in order to make a decision. Please have a staff member contact me at _________________________. __________________________________________________________________ Printed Parent/Guardian NameParent/Guardian Signature __________________ Date
Pre/Post Test