By: Kallie Johnson
I want to learn more about bullying and I want other people to learn as well.
Bullying is aggressive behavior that kids, teens, and adults may do to other people.
Bullies bully because the bully feels depressed, bad, or mad about themselves in the inside.
Bullies can hurt, injure, or even make situations worst by bullying.
Physical bullying, Verbal bullying, Indirect bullying, Social alienation, Intimidation, Cyber bullying ypesbullying.html ypesbullying.html
Speak strongly and clearly. Face the bully. Look straight into the bully's eyes. Use appropriate words. Don't stand too close or too far away from the bully. Have a calm face. Ask for help. ing.html ing.html
- 1 in 7 students through grade K-12 is either a bully or a victim of bullying. About 282,000 students are physically attacked in secondary schools each month. 90% of 4th through 8th graders report that they are being bullied at school. Those in lower grades reported being in twice as many fights as those in higher grades. 1 out of 20 students have seen a student with a gun at their school.
preventbullying.html?gclid=CJnqzLuM0K4CFU hjTAod62i7rg