I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody. Pencil Lead
The fourth grade bully is waiting outside. He (or She) has told you that you are “dead meat” after school. Do you: 1. Walk out and face the bully 2. Plan an elaborate prank on the bully 3. Sneak out the back door and run away
You see a venomous snake on the way home from school. Do you: 1. Attack it? 2. Run away? 3. Capture it in a box?
Your friends want you to ride the Skycoaster at Kennywood even though you are terrified of heights. You agree, but at the last minute… 1. You “get sick” and don’t go to Kennywood 2. You ride anyway and hate it 3. You freak out in line and your friends tell you that you don’t have to ride
The teacher calls you out after class. You copied another student on the test and now both of you are in trouble. The teacher states you will both receive an “F” if no one confesses. Do you: 1. Admit you were the cheater 2. Say “it wasn’t me!” and complain 3. Allow both of you to get an F
Your son’s friend is over for dinner. You notice that she has bruises on her arms and legs. When you ask her how this happened, she is reluctant to say. Do you: 1.Keep quiet. She probably just fell. 2.Contact Child Services. 3.Tell a friend and hope someone else takes care of it
The war with Iran has escalated and the United States has reinstated the draft. You were planning on going to college, but now your number has come up. What do you do?