Voice Hosting Options John Hibel Vice President of Marketing Voxeo Corporation
In exchange for last-minute appearance…
Shameless self-promotion! EVOLUTION Hosted Services: PROPHECY Premise Systems: One-click download, Two ports free
Standards Boost Hosting Caller Voice Application VOICE Voice Browser VOICEXML, IP Clean separation of application and execution Enterprise can retain control over application Application, execution, or both may be hosted
Deployment considerations Capital Investment vs. Operating Expense Available infrastructure/facilities Internal expertise Strategic focus Commitment level Traffic profile Choose the deployment model that fits your business priorities!
THINGS CHANGE! “Premise or Hosted” shouldn’t be a static decision Consider both: f(time) Start hosted, move to prem- or vice versa f(application) Some hosted, some prem; depends on biz case f(capacity) Hosted redundancy, hosted overflow Change the deployment model to fit your business priorities!
Possible with Right Offering Look for seamless compatibility between premise & hosted platform –Remember all VoiceXML implementations not fully certified or in full support of spec (required & optional certification tests) One Contract simplifies life tremendously Build and test for free –Why guess? Gather real data. –Mitigates risk of build, test, modify, tune applications
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