Verbal Physical Emotional/Social Psychological Cyber
Verbal bullies use words to hurt and humiliate another person. Verbal bullying includes name-calling, insulting, making racist comments and teasing.
This type of bullying includes hitting or kicking the victim or taking and damaging the victim’s property.
Emotional bullying are offensive tactics such as spreading rumors, excluding from games and talking behind people’s backs.
Psychological bullying is when someone repeatedly and intentionally talks or behaves in a way that causes you psychological pain.
Cyber bullying is when someone uses technology to verbally, socially or psychologically bully.
WHY BULLIES BULLY Bullies bully because they are weak and insecure! They may face serious problems in their family and they might have been victims of bullying as well.
I should talk to an older person that I trust, my teacher, my parents, etc. I have to make him understand that he/she is NOT alone and that I am here for him/her.
I should be BRAVE! I will NOT let anybody hurt me! I will talk to a friend or a teacher immediately and I will ask my parents to help me! There are people who love me and they can take care of the bullies. I must be PROUD of myself! I am unique and I am perfect in my own way!
Don’t support it. Report it. Don’t be a part of it. Don’t hide. Stand up. Speak out. Be a good friend. BE BRAVE.