Unit 3 – Imagination Roxaboxen Story 6 – Day 2
What We Will Review How the suffix “ed” changes a verb Superlatives – “est” Long vowel sound spelling patterns
Word Knowledge Identify the words with the suffix _ed. Roxaboxen had always been there and must have belonged to others, long before. When Marian dug up a tin box filled with round black pebbles everyone knew what it was: it was a buried treasure.
Word Knowledge Identify the word with the superlative ending. Charles made his of the biggest stones.
Word Knowledge Identify the words that have the /ō/ sound, the /ī/ sound, and the /ōō/ sound. A precious stone, like a diamond, is just one of many jewels.
What We Reviewed How the suffix “ed” changes a verb Superlatives – “est” Long vowel sound spelling patterns
ford – to cross by wading part of speech – verb synonym – get across, cut through
traced – formed carefully; to sketch part of speech – verb synonym – copied
mayor – the chief elected official of a city part of speech – noun
decorated – added ornamentation; adorned part of speech – noun synonym – adorned
blossomed – bloomed, produced flowers part of speech – verb synonym – bloomed, flowered
bordering – to be lying on the edge of part of speech – verb synonym – edging, framing, surrounding
Author’s Point of View The author’s point of view refers to the kind of narrator or speaker that the writer uses to tell the story. Points of View First Person Third Person
First Person Narrative In a first-person narrative, the writer tells the story as if the storyteller were a character in the story. Clue words used in the first-person narrative are I, me, mine, we, our, ours.
Third Person Narrative In the third-person narrative, the writer tells the story as if the storyteller were someone outside the story, not a character in the story. Clue words used in the third-person narrative are he, him, she, they, and theirs.
Point of View First-Person I went to the store Third-Person She went to the store.
Roxaboxen is written in the third-person narrative While we choral read, raise your hand when you see one of the third-person narrative clue words: he, him, she, they, theirs The third-person narrator tells the story as if he had been there or knows someone who had been there.
Point of View Independent Work Find and write 3 sentences from “Through Grandpa’s Eyes” that are written in the first person narrative. Underline the clue words. I, me, mine, we, our, ours Find and write 3 sentences from “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Underline the clue words. he, him, she, they, theirs
Spelling Independent Work Spelling and Vocabulary Page 72