-2004 AIESEC PNU- Our Vision 즐기면서 최고의 성과를 낼 수 있는 38 th -Enjoy myself and Obtain excellent results-
2004 AIESECPNU -Structure- LCP HR-DICX-D ICX members OGX-D OGX members FK-DISER-D ER members Finance
LCP 전 화면으 로 전 화면으 로 NAME:KIM SANG MIN MAJOR:Engineering HOBBY:imitate CHA IN PYO SPECIAL ABILITY:imitate CHONANGANG NICKNAME:sunzinca,ki m coach
Finance 전 화면으로 전 화면으로 전 화면으로 전 화면으로 NAME:KIM SEULKI MAJOR:Politics&Diplom acy HOBBY:collect circle lens SPECIAL ABILITY:laugh loudly(PAKJANGDA- ESO leader) NICKNANE:pakjangdae so,konnunseul
HR-D 전 화면으로 전 화면으로 NAME:KIM GUN WOO MAJOR:Fashion HOBBY:thinking other`s clothes matter and kkomangii SPECIAL ABILITY:sewing,nee- dleworking NICKNAME:mooranky- ung, wonbin
ICX-D 전 화면으로 전 화면으로 NAME:SEO JUNG JOO MAJOR:Management HOBBY:cut the eyebrow, talking sloppy in Japanese, make smaller her eyes.. SPECIAL ABILITY:V pose when take a picture NICKNAME:mezoo,sunz- inca`s right arm
OGX-D 전 화면으로 전 화면으로 NAME:HWANG JIN AH MAJOR:Chinese literature HOBBY:talking sloppy in chinese, expand her cheek SPECIAL ABILITY:self- praise her cheek,hip dance NICKNAME:Ppooooooaa aaangsaaaaaang
FK-D 전 화면으 로 전 화면으 로 NAME:PARK JI HYE MAJOR:Chinese literature HOBBY:conversation with LALA at midnight by MSN, thinking NOBUYUKI SPECIAL ABILITY:conversatio-n with LALA,singing when NOBUYUKI playing the guitar NICKNAME:kotambose- ul, restore mania
IS 전 화면으 로 전 화면으 로 NAME:KIM SANG MIN MAJOR:Engineering HOBBY:imitate CHA IN PYO SPECIAL ABILITY:imitate CHONANGANG NICKNAME:sunzinca,kim coach
ER-D 전 화면으 로 전 화면으 로 NAME:SEO JUNG MIN MAJOR:French education HOBBY:imitate HYUNKYUNG, wearing hot pants SPECIAL ABILITY:never talking French NICKNAME:ipdubur(by woochang),Johan HK Jr.
ICX MEMBERS NAME:KANG MIN JI MAJOR:Management HOBBY:dieting arm`s fat,hip dance,enjoying night club SPECIAL ABILITY:practice sloppy Chinese,learning Chinese by Jihye NICKNAME:cosmetic face,big cheek`s fat
ICX MEMBERS NAME:KIM MIN SEOK MAJOR:Management HOBBY:winning 11, basketball,stick out his foot SPECIAL ABILITY:learning Chinese by Hwang jin- ah,big smile NICKNAME:keungkeungii(r ecent nickname)
ICX MEMBERS NAME:KWAN JIN YOUNG MAJOR:Physics&Che- mistry HOBBY:hearing sangmin,gunwoo,mi- nseok`s songs HOBBY:dress up her face NICKNAME:pretty girl of AIESEC PNU 39
ICX MEMBERS NAME:KIM NA KYUNG MAJOR: Fine art(carving&sculptu-re HOBBY: imitate Bong taekyu,printing Kim gunwoo SPECIAL ABILITY: sing a song(the most singer of AIESEC) NICKNAME: bong nakyung,buooong
ICX MEMBERS NAME :KIM SUN YOUNG MAJOR: Management HOBBY: imitate Lee Eun Joo, regard Kim gun woo as Eric SPECIAL ABILITY : staring greasy NICKNAME: sundae, jooo(Lee Eun joo)
ICX MEMBERS NAME: KIM YOUNG JUNG MAJOR: Management HOBBY: harass Jung joo, body training SPECIAL ABILITY: scream when shock game NICKNAME: rich man of the jokbal restaurant
ICX MEMBERS NAME:KIM JI HYE MAJOR: Law HOBBY: play with knife, do gymnastics SPECIAL ABILITY: neglect senior`s order NICKNAME: Johan JH junior 2`s
ICX MEMBERS NAME:SHIN SANG HEE MAJOR: living&environment HOBBY:hearing Jisu`s sloppy song, following Kyung woon SPECIAL ABILITY:make a rumor about pretty girl of class, hit him if who resist her NICKNAME:sangdolii
ICX MEMBERS NAME:LEE JI SU MAJOR: living&environment MAJOR: staring Sangmin SPECIAL ABILITY: muttering,have a tuttle bag NICKNAME: zzong-al zzong-al
ICX MEMBERS NAME:LEE HYE RI MAJOR:Social welfare HOBBY: cut the forehair as Ha Jiwon SPECIAL ABILITY:make a rumor that she is pretty girl of 39`s(rival with Jin young) NICKNAME:sexy girl
ICX MEMBERS NAME:JUNG SUN IN MAJOR:Management HOBBY:exercise,drink-ing alcohol SPECIAL ABILITY:when who has failed the game, sing a song “nagari~” NICKNAME:insunii
ICX MEMBERS 전 화면으 로 전 화면으 로 NAME:HYUN JIN HEE MAJOR:Management HOBBY:find out delicious restaurant member of bong trio member of bong trio SPECIAL ABILITY:studying teaching arbeit,eating NICKNAME:bodygirl,luxurio usly tastes
OGX MEMBERS NAME:LEE JUNG AH MAJOR: French education HOBBY:imitate sloppy french SPECIAL ABILITY:training everyday because she want to return 1 year ago NICKNAME:baby buddha
OGX MEMBERS NAME:MUN YOUNG EUN MAJOR:French literature HOBBY:self camera, have a perm,eating zzamppong with Woosuck SPECIAL ABILITY:open roundly her eyes,pretend shyly NICKNAME:badukii
OGX MEMBERS NAME:CHOI MYUNG MO MAJOR:Shipbuiling&o- cean engineering HOBBY:wearing a net stocking,grinning SPECIAL ABILITY:sing a song “we are the champion” NICKNAME:myungza,a net stocking, MISS NLDS
OGX MEMBERS 그 웃긴사 진 보실래요 ? 보실래요 ? NAME:LEE HUN JAE MAJOR:Electron&com- puter engineering HOBBY:self camera,photoshop SPECIAL ABILITY:come and go with camera,take a bad-looking photo jungjoo&seulki NICKNAME:a constitutional institution
OGX MEMBERS NAME:LEE JI YEON MAJOR:Social education HOBBY:eating pizza when she`s working at pizza hut SPECIAL ABILITY:cute expression(but real not) NICKNAME:kkamzzicdori,di fficulty kkamzzic
OGX MEMBERS NAME:KIM YU KYUNG MAJOR: Social education HOBBY:reading a book,hit the seniors SPECIAL ABILITY:over action, also reading (not believe) NICKNAME:bookworm
OGX MEMBERS NAME:LEE NA YOUNG MAJOR:Social welfare HOBBY:follow and call out seniors SPECIAL ABILITY:carry a moving pack NICKNAME:everyday new face
OGX MEMBERS NAME:CHOI SU YEON MAJOR: Social welfare HOBBY:pose as pretty girl,form the dark circle below the eyes SPECIAL ABILITY:blink her eyes,answer”nepp?” NAME: The Fox
OGX MEMBERS 전 화면으로 전 화면으로 NAME:SEO SU WON MAJOR:Shipbuilding&ocean engineering HOBBY:heave his breast,make up(red lip stick) SPECIAL ABILITY:talking at seoul language,trim his leg hair NICKNAME:yonsama
ER MEMBERS NAME:CHO HYUNG JIN MAJOR:Living&environme- nt HOBBY:bitten by a mosquito SPECIAL ABILITY:sing a song at myungdong,lead the member of class NICKNAME:haengi,ddangi
ER MEMBERS NAME:PARK CHUL WOO MAJOR:Physics&chemi stry HOBBY:look after MSN at midnight SPECIAL ABILITY:sleep as facing the wall NICKNAME:chualoo
ER MEMBERS NAME:CHO YOUNG EUN MAJOR:Living&envir onment HOBBY:harass &hit Kim gunwoo SPECIAL ABILITY:resist to seniors NICKNAME:sloppy Park ji yun
ER MEMBERS NAME:CHO MIN KYUNG MAJOR:Living&environment HOBBY:staring Sangmin,working at popeyes SPECIAL ABILITY:action general of group “saenghwan” NICKNAME:minuh, action general
ER MEMBERS NAME:LEE JAE YOUNG MAJOR:Management HOBBY:call out senior`s name SPECIAL ABILITY:sleeping at management class,conversation with Sooyeon NICKNAME:a sparrow`s friend “chuppy”
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