Family and Consumer Science 8 th grade cooking project NOTE: Before you can prepare foods from a country, do a research to gather information about its culture and tradition. You will present this in class during our food tasting activity.
Foods around the world project Group members
Quick facts about this country
Geography Map of the countryDescription of the location and climate
1. Name of food Picture of the food Description Popular dish 1
2. Name of food Picture of the food Description Popular dish 2
3. Name of food Picture of the food Description Popular dish 3
Common Spice 1 Picture of the spiceExamples of foods with this spice
Common Spice 2 Picture of the spiceExamples of foods with this spice
Eating practices
Recipe of food to be prepared Write the ingredients and directions, and add a photo of the food.
Question & Answer Write 3 questions you will ask the class about your presentation.
Extra Credit An interview with a person who is from this country. -Whats your daily life like in your home country? -What are 3 of your favorite foods? -Compare/contrast 3 aspects of living here (US) vs. living in your home country.