Confucianism He claimed that Tian (heaven) is aligned with moral order but depends on human beings to carry it out Major beliefs Li – ritual propriety – in other words, the performing rituals precisely and with respect > Li is the way the family, the state, and the world come into alignment with heaven (Tian) He believed moral force, de, was contagious and could be spread from ruler to subjects, parents to children The Major Religions of Asia
Taoism Began in China about 2000 years ago Rooted in Chinese and outlook on the world Tai chi is an exercise, going through slow motions, teaching a connection between physical actions and spiritual effects A key concept in Taoism is tzu jan, translating into “that which is naturally so” Refers to the state something will be if it is permitted to exist and develop naturally and without interference or conflict The Major Religions of Asia, cont.
Shintoism – a Japanese religion Devotion to invisible spiritual beaings and powers called kami, visiting shrines, and to perform certain rituals Teaches rituals that let people communicate with kami Kami are not gods but rather spirits that want people to be happy. If people treat them well, the spirits intervene to bring people health and success The Major Religions of Asia, cont.
Hinduism Worldwide, more than 900 million adheents About 80% of India’s population Hindus believe in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth They believe karma governs this cycle Karma is the total effect of someone’s actions and conduct throughout their life They believe karma governs their destiny Your next reincarnation depends on how you lived your previous life
Buddhism Buddhism focuses on personal spiritual development About 375 million followers About 2500 years old Found in China, Japan, North and South Korea They seek enlightenment – attainment into the true nature of life The path to enlightenment is through morality, meditation, and wisdom The Major Religions of Asia, cont.
Zoroastrianism About 3500 years old Monotheistic religion (believe in one god) About 250,000 followers Sikhism About 20 million followers Focuses on an individuals internal religious states Stresses doing good actions over rituals The Major Religions of Asia, cont.