Welcome to Humanities Today is Tuesday, January 7, Sit in your assigned seats. Turn your cell phones off and put them away. Take out your journals, binders, folders, reading book, and signature sheet. Announcements: Please prepare your journal for a See Think Wonder
Daily Learning Goals I will understand how to be the most effective learner in this community. I will better know my classmates and teacher. Progression of Learning We will learn Gavin’s student procedures and expectations. We will share fun stories about ourselves.
Assignments All assignments should be in MLA format and typed when possible blue or black ink if not an essay They must be turned in on time I do not accept any ed assignments Summative assignments should include: drafts rubric
Assessment I am a strict grader and provide lots of feedback. You can rewrite and resubmit to try to improve your grade, if you paper is turned in on time.
Attendance You need to be in class, on time and ready to learn each day. If you are more than 20 minutes late you will be considered absent. If you are absent for any reason, the next day you need to present me an admit to class slip. If you don’t have one, I will send you to get one. I will dismiss class. Do not start rustling papers, coats, and backpacks until I dismiss you.
More Introductions…… Let’s pick up with the introductions. When finished, we will play a game called In Common.
Ten More Things About Gavin 1. College volleyball team won State 2. Was presented to a king 3. Have three tattoos 4. Am a trained woodworker 5. Love love love Dr. Seuss 6. Have two Ghanaian brothers 7. Have a cat Stella 8. Visited 48 of fifty states, 5 of 7 continents, 16 countries 9. Have an extensive vintage tie collection. A different tie every day. 10. My goal on my resume is to foster wise, compassionate, and productive youth for a vibrant democratic society.
Fist to Five I understand how to be an effective learner in this community. I know my classmates and teacher better. Homework Blog on my SWIFT site tonight by writing a paragraph in which you identify: your last semester Humanities grade, one goal you are going to set for yourself for Humanities, how you are going to accomplish it (no phone, listen better, assignments in on time, etc.), and one request of me on how I can help you. This is a formative assignment which will be posted tomorrow. Bring your supplies, the signature sheet, and your last Humanities paper from Hawthorn or Gordon tomorrow.