+ Due: Tuesday, May 10th World Traveler Eiffel Tower Paris, France Great Wall of China Northern China
+ What is the Project? World Traveler! Each of you will be assigned to a group. Your group will be assigned a continent. From here, your group will think of places that each of you would like to visit. Once each of you have decided where you would like to visit, you will vote on one place. The place that wins the vote will be the place you travel to! Your group will decide how you will get there, what you will do when you get there and many other details.
+ Week 1: Where In the World Are You? Each of you will be put into groups of 4 and be given a continent. During this week, individually, you should research/find a country and city that you would like to go to. At the end of this week, your group will decide on which city they would like to go. When you’re deciding on a destination, make sure you pick somewhere that your classmates might not know about. Better yet, pick a destination you’ve never heard of! Then you can become an expert and help teach your peers.
+ Week 2: Estimate Individually you will estimate the total cost of the trip. Also be researching your chosen city! (You can find the spreadsheet on the Math Component page under Project.) Make sure you save your work because we will be using this information later to compare with the actual costs.
+ Week 3: Where To Go and What To Do? Each of you will find basic geographical information on place and start to view places of interests. Use Geography Worksheet 1 &2 Places of interest include: Museums Beaches Amusement parks Monuments Historic houses Ships Zoos Shopping Areas
+ Week 4: Each group member will pick a place of interest to go to in or around the city. This place can be any thing that you find that you think would be appropriate to share with the class. (Also appropriate enough to take your grandmother to too!) You will be required to write a paragraph about why you chose that place. The assignment will be turned in at the end of the week.
+ Week 5: Together you will use mapping programs on the internet to locate the places of interest. You must include all four places that your group chose and then as a group pick 2 more. You will figure out what place you want to go on which day. How much time will each place of interest take? Is there travel time involved? You must print or draw a map for your presentation—must include every place that your group is visiting. You must show me your map on Friday before the bell rings!
+ Week 6: So What’s This Going to Cost Me? This week your group will research what the actual cost of the trip might be. (All costs!) It might be beneficial to split up into smaller groups to research different topics. One person does travel costs, another does entertainment, another does food, and another does boarding…etc. I will provide you with some numbers to use for food and gas. During this week we will be comparing our estimations and the actual cost of the trip.
+ Week 7: Get Creative! Start Compiling all of your groups notes to prepare for your presentation. Do you have any creative way to present you data on World Traveler Night? Make it fun so that your audience enjoys your presentation. Have fun and Creativity will be rewarded!
+ Week 8: It’s Presentation Time! This last week we will be progressing towards our presentations for our visitors! Make sure sure that your group is prepared and organized. Know who is going to present what and how much time you need. Also makes sure that you choose what food item you want to be included on our menu for the night! (Must be a food or recipe popular in your country.)