Veterans Affairs Medical Center ‘ Fountain Restoration project’
63 rd District II Exemplification rd District II Exemplification 2012 Hosted in Beautiful downtown Battle Creek Hosted in Beautiful downtown Battle Creek Home of historic Fort Custer. - Ft. Custer Army National Guard Base Home of historic Fort Custer. - Ft. Custer Army National Guard Base Class Honoree: His Excellency Bishop Paul J. Bradley Class Honoree: His Excellency Bishop Paul J. Bradley Battle Creek; Largest City in the Kalamazoo Dioceses Battle Creek; Largest City in the Kalamazoo Dioceses Central & South-Western Michigan 4 th Degree is represented by; Hennepin Province, District II.. (covering Lansing & Kalamazoo Diocese) Central & South-Western Michigan 4 th Degree is represented by; Hennepin Province, District II.. (covering Lansing & Kalamazoo Diocese)
‘Operation Patriotism’ 2011 Battle Creek VA Center
This is a Great Opportunity.. this is: this is: a Local Exemplification a Local Exemplification -> it will have the ‘Greatest impact’ on your candidates. -> it will have the ‘Greatest impact’ on your candidates. an impressive Gathering of 4 th Degree membership. an impressive Gathering of 4 th Degree membership. the Largest 4 th Degree Social event in your Area. the Largest 4 th Degree Social event in your Area.
It’s also an Opportunity to generate $$ for your Assembly.. Promoting the Knights.. Promoting the 4 th Degree.. Selling Exposure..
Exposure; in a Souvenir Book a Souvenir Book that will: a Souvenir Book that will: Congratulate the Candidates.. Congratulate the Candidates.. Show Support of the Knights.. Show Support of the Knights.. Provide the Candidate with a Record of the event.. Provide the Candidate with a Record of the event.. Create a lasting Reference book of the event.. Create a lasting Reference book of the event..
This Souvenir Book is a 8 ½ x 11 book, w/ Glossy Cover in color. is a 8 ½ x 11 book, w/ Glossy Cover in color. Each Candidate and each Member will receive one.. Each Candidate and each Member will receive one.. it Will be kept handy for up to one year.. it Will be kept handy for up to one year.. It Will be Shared with family & friends.. It Will be Shared with family & friends..
Sponsorship of the Souvenir Book will include: Councils, Assemblies.. Councils, Assemblies.. Parishes.. Parishes.. Knight Officer’s.. Knight Officer’s.. Local Businesses.. Local Businesses.. Parish Bulletin advertisers.. Parish Bulletin advertisers.. Previous Souvenir Book supporters.. Previous Souvenir Book supporters.. Neighborhood Businesses; large & small.. Neighborhood Businesses; large & small.. Funeral Homes, Caterers, Parish supporters, etc.. Funeral Homes, Caterers, Parish supporters, etc..
Selling..?? ‘who me..?’ Remember: Remember: Life itself is a Sales job Life itself is a Sales job Getting a Job Getting a Job Getting a Date Getting a Date Making a point Making a point All transactions are selling All transactions are selling All interactions are selling All interactions are selling All relations are Selling.. All relations are Selling.. We are all Salespeople..!! We are all Salespeople..!!
But were not really selling..
We are Promoting..
We Promote the Knights 1 st Over 1.8 million members Over 1.8 million members Over 70,000 Knights in Michigan alone Over 70,000 Knights in Michigan alone In the last 10 years: In the last 10 years: > $1.3 Billion collected for Charities > $1.3 Billion collected for Charities > 640 Million hours of volunteer service > 640 Million hours of volunteer service The Knights of Columbus are ‘always there’ The Knights of Columbus are ‘always there’
The 4 th Degree We Support members of the Military, both active and retired. We Support members of the Military, both active and retired. We advance respect for the Flag, for our Government, and for our Country. We advance respect for the Flag, for our Government, and for our Country. We march in Parades proudly displaying the banner of our Country, the American Flag. We march in Parades proudly displaying the banner of our Country, the American Flag.
that, and we are a VERY BIG network. We are organized. We are organized. We support each other. We support each other. We are Connected.. We are Connected..
all of these Knights are: Busy, Helpful, Playful Busy, Helpful, Playful Parents, Grand Parents, Relatives Parents, Grand Parents, Relatives Customers, Friends, Neighbors Customers, Friends, Neighbors Socially active, Well Traveled, Connected Socially active, Well Traveled, Connected Hungry, Thirsty, Curious, Seekers Hungry, Thirsty, Curious, Seekers Interested, Spiritual Interested, Spiritual Shoppers and more.. Shoppers and more.. All of that and 70,000+ in Michigan ! All of that and 70,000+ in Michigan !
now, let’s Sell Exposure.. This is a Great Opportunity to get your name in front of a Large group of successful people. This is a Great Opportunity to get your name in front of a Large group of successful people. Knights that are Patriotically inspired and Formally dressed for an Elegant Event Knights that are Patriotically inspired and Formally dressed for an Elegant Event
and, let’s Sell Support.. Your Support helps us to continue in our Good Works of Charity. Your Support helps us to continue in our Good Works of Charity. We are able to promote Patriotism of our Country. We are able to promote Patriotism of our Country. We are able to Invest in the Community of tomorrow We are able to Invest in the Community of tomorrow
and Sell Potential.. The seed planted today is tomorrows harvest. The seed planted today is tomorrows harvest. Community support is your most valuable asset in today's economy. Community support is your most valuable asset in today's economy. Promoting the message of Patriotism is good business for everybody. Promoting the message of Patriotism is good business for everybody. Support of Faith Based Charities sends a ‘powerful message’ Support of Faith Based Charities sends a ‘powerful message’
We have a few tools..
3 Fliers..
2 Forms..
And, we have until March 30 th.. Full page ad’s: $ Full page ad’s: $ /4 page ad’s: $ /4 page ad’s: $ /2 page ad’s: $ /2 page ad’s: $ You keep 40% of all proceeds above $500. You keep 40% of all proceeds above $500. & 50% of all proceeds above $1000. & 50% of all proceeds above $1000. Think of it like fishing in a barrel.. Think of it like fishing in a barrel..
We have a system: Divide up your Assemblies into Council areas.
Map out your Assembly by ‘Council areas’ Each area is small enough to manage.. Each area is small enough to manage.. Each area enjoys Council support.. Each area enjoys Council support.. Each area enjoys Parish support.. Each area enjoys Parish support.. Each area is the Local Community of that Council.. Each area is the Local Community of that Council..
Pick yourself a Team Captain One person in charge per area. One person in charge per area. He solicits a few helpers. He solicits a few helpers. He approaches the Council for an Ad and any member support that he can muster. He approaches the Council for an Ad and any member support that he can muster. He approaches the Parish office for an Ad. He approaches the Parish office for an Ad. He works with his helpers and covers his area. He works with his helpers and covers his area. He leverages his connections and his Brother Knights support to get the maximum sales for his area. He leverages his connections and his Brother Knights support to get the maximum sales for his area.
Sales outside of that area are OK. ( Simply notify that Team Captain of your intentions) Approach: Funeral Homes, Flower Shops, Catholic Businesses, Places you shop at. Approach: Funeral Homes, Flower Shops, Catholic Businesses, Places you shop at. Friends that are self employed. Friends that are self employed. Successful people you may know. Successful people you may know. Approach larger businesses early & often. (use inside connections) Approach larger businesses early & often. (use inside connections) Look in your Church Bulletin for leads. Look in your Church Bulletin for leads. Look in previous Souvenir books for leads. Look in previous Souvenir books for leads.
Your Goal.. Each Assembly should easily be able to generate $1000 to $2000 in sales.. Each Assembly should easily be able to generate $1000 to $2000 in sales.. Less is OK. Less is OK. but more is truly better but more is truly better
That’s it.. now let’s YAK it UP !!
Remember: This is a Knight item.. Thank You for your attention.. SK Ken Watterson