Student Learning Growth Details November 27 th and November 29th
Agenda Review of Student Learning Growth Calculation ESS Demonstration Student Learning Growth Details Frequently Asked Questions Question and Answer
Review: Student Learning Growth To comply with state law, the FLDOE chose a value- added model to measure a teacher’s contribution to student learning This model accounts for some of the key variables that influence student learning including prior test scores, attendance, mobility, ESE and ELL status, and class size.
Review: Student Learning Growth The FLDOE model produces in a score and standard error that is individualized for every teacher and unique for every school. The standard error is based on the number of students taught and the consistency of student results. The standard error is a measure of the degree of variation that is likely in the score.
Review: Student Learning Growth The standard error can be used to create a confidence interval (range of scores) that take into account the potential error in any score. The larger the adjustment for standard error used, the more confidence that the range of scores created is an accurate reflection of teacher or school influence on student learning. 0.5 Standard Error ~ 38% confidence 1.0 Standard Error ~ 68% confidence 2.0 Standard Error ~ 95% confidence
Student Learning Growth Calculation NameSLG ScoreSLG Standard Error Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee School School School The FLDOE provides districts with a file containing information on teacher Student Learning Growth (SLG) scores. Though much more data are available than presented, some scores are personal and some scores are school scores. Through recommendations of the Teacher Evaluation Committee, the Principal Evaluation Committee, teachers, principals, and other district staff, we chose a calculation method that uses this data as fairly and equitably as possible.
Student Learning Growth Calculation Classification decisions are made based on the entire confidence interval calculated. To receive a rating of Highly Effective, the Entire Confidence Interval must be located in the the range. To receive a rating of Effective, Any Point in the Confidence Interval must intersect at any point with the range. To receive a rating of Needs Improvement, the Upper Bound of the Confidence Interval must be located in. To receive a rating of Unsatisfactory, the Entire Confidence Interval must be located in the range. Highly Effective Effective Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
Student Learning Growth Calculation – Highly Effective NameSLG ScoreSLG Standard ErrorConfidence Interval Employee (+24%)0.06 (6%)(0.12, 0.36) Unsatisfactory (1) Needs Improvement (2) Effective (3) Highly Effective (4) -15%-10% 10% 0% The SLG score and standard error is used to create a confidence interval for each person or school that displays with 95% confidence a range of scores. The data from the entire interval is used to make classification decisions. The data for the employee presented above is graphed below. The SLG score is represented by the circle and the lines extending out from the circle represent the confidence interval. Because this employee’s entire confidence interval touches no category other than ‘Highly Effective’ at any point, this employee is rated as ‘Highly Effective’. SLG
Student Learning Growth Calculation - Effective NameSLG ScoreSLG Standard ErrorConfidence Interval Employee (4%)0.11 (11%)(-0.18, 0.26) -15%-10% 10% 0% The SLG score and standard error is used to create a confidence interval for each person or school that displays with 95% confidence a range of scores. The data from the entire interval is used to make classification decisions. The data for the employee presented above is graphed below. The SLG score is represented by the circle and the lines extending out from the circle represent the confidence interval. Because this employee’s confidence interval touches ‘Effective’ at any point, this employee is rated as ‘Effective’. SLG Unsatisfactory (1) Needs Improvement (2) Effective (3) Highly Effective (4)
Student Learning Growth Calculation - Effective NameSLG ScoreSLG Standard ErrorConfidence Interval Employee (-20%)0.07 (7%)(-0.34, -0.06) -15%-10% 10% 0% The SLG score and standard error is used to create a confidence interval for each person or school that displays with 95% confidence a range of scores. The data from the entire interval is used to make classification decisions. The data for the employee presented above is graphed below. The SLG score is represented by the circle and the lines extending out from the circle represent the confidence interval. Because this employee’s confidence interval touches ‘Effective’ at any point, this employee is rated as ‘Effective’. SLG Unsatisfactory (1) Needs Improvement (2) Effective (3) Highly Effective (4)
Student Learning Growth Calculation - Effective NameSLG ScoreSLG Standard ErrorConfidence Interval Employee (-13%)0.08 (8%)(-0.29, 0.03) -15%-10% 10% 0% The SLG score and standard error is used to create a confidence interval for each person or school that displays with 95% confidence a range of scores. The data from the entire interval is used to make classification decisions. The data for the employee presented above is graphed below. The SLG score is represented by the circle and the lines extending out from the circle represent the confidence interval. Because this employee’s confidence interval touches ‘Effective’ at any point, this employee is rated as ‘Effective’. SLG Unsatisfactory (1) Needs Improvement (2) Effective (3) Highly Effective (4)
Student Learning Growth Calculation - Effective NameSLG ScoreSLG Standard ErrorConfidence Interval Employee (13%)0.11 (11%)(-0.09, 0.35) -15%-10% 10% 0% The SLG score and standard error is used to create a confidence interval for each person or school that displays with 95% confidence a range of scores. The data from the entire interval is used to make classification decisions. The data for the employee presented above is graphed below. The SLG score is represented by the circle and the lines extending out from the circle represent the confidence interval. Because this employee’s confidence interval touches ‘Effective’ at any point, this employee is rated as ‘Effective’. SLG Unsatisfactory (1) Needs Improvement (2) Effective (3) Highly Effective (4)
Student Learning Growth Calculation – Needs Improvement/Developing NameSLG ScoreSLG Standard ErrorConfidence Interval Employee (-21%)0.05 (5%)(-0.31, -0.11) -15%-10% 10% 0% The SLG score and standard error is used to create a confidence interval for each person or school that displays with 95% confidence a range of scores. The data from the entire interval is used to make classification decisions. The data for the employee presented above is graphed below. The SLG score is represented by the circle and the lines extending out from the circle represent the confidence interval. Because this employee’s confidence interval touches no higher than ‘Needs Improvement’ at any point, this employee is rated as ‘Needs Improvement’. SLG Unsatisfactory (1) Needs Improvement (2) Effective (3) Highly Effective (4)
Student Learning Growth Calculation - Unsatisfactory NameSLG ScoreSLG Standard ErrorConfidence Interval Employee (-26%)0.05 (5%)(-0.36, -0.16) -15%-10% 10% 0% The SLG score and standard error is used to create a confidence interval for each person or school that displays with 95% confidence a range of scores. The data from the entire interval is used to make classification decisions. The data for the employee presented above is graphed below. The SLG score is represented by the circle and the lines extending out from the circle represent the confidence interval. Because this employee’s confidence interval touches no higher than ‘Unsatisfactory’ at any point, this employee is rated as ‘Unsatisfactory’. SLG Unsatisfactory (1) Needs Improvement (2) Effective (3) Highly Effective (4)
Student Learning Growth Scores and Ratings SLG Evaluation ScoreSLG Evaluation Rating 4.0 Highly Effective 3.0 Effective 2.0 Needs Improvement 2.0 *Developing 1.0 Unsatisfactory *This rating is only available for instructional personnel with up to three total years of instructional experience
What Will This Look Like? RatingRaw Score% of Overall Score Weighted Score Instructional PracticeE3.1060%1.86 RatingRaw Score% of Overall Score Weighted Score Student Learning Growth E3.0040%1.20 Rating Weighted Score Final Evaluation E 3.06
What Will This Look Like?
Finding Student Learning Growth Details This is the new portion of Employee Self Service where Student Learning Growth Details can be accessed.
Finding Student Learning Growth Details
You can select the graph icon in the new column on your evaluation table to find the confidence interval used for the SLG score classification.
Student Learning Growth Details When you select the graph icon in the new column in your evaluation table, a file will appear that presents your score, your standard error, and your confidence interval. Please remember that some personnel received scores directly calculated from students they instruct and other personnel received scores calculated from their associated school(s).
Student Learning Growth Details Examples We are going to examine a few examples of the student learning growth details. The student learning growth details chart will provide your name, evaluation year, student learning growth rating, score, standard error, and a graphical representation of your confidence interval. Please note that the confidence interval is not drawn to scale but meant to represent how the classification decision was made.
Frequently Asked Questions Why do I have the same evaluation score (e.g. 3) as another person who also received an individual score? Why are students in non-FCAT classes not included in the student learning growth calculation? Will the final evaluation ratings for be included in any merit pay system?
Frequently Asked Questions Are ESE students taking the Florida Alternate Assessment in the model for the 2011 – 2012 evaluation? Are FCAT 2.0 retake students in the model for the 2011 – 2012 evaluation? Does the distribution of final evaluation results follow a normal distribution (bell curve)?
Overall Final Evaluation Results
Questions/Concerns Please continue to with questions and