Embedded System Requirements, Specification and Modelling K. Tatas Sources: Hermann Kopetz, “Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications”, Springer, 2011 Wayne Wolf, “High-Performance Embedded Computing: Architectures, Applications, and Methodologies”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2006 Wayne Wolf, “Computers as components: Principles of embedded computing design”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2000
Introduction Distributed Embedded System Models Design/Abstraction Levels Embedded System Design Flow Embedded System Requirements Embedded System Specifications Object-oriented Design Unified Modeling Language (UML) SystemC and TLM
Classification of Embedded Systems Real-time Hard deadline Failsafe Fail-operational Soft and firm deadline Non-Real-time
Fail-Safe hard-deadline RT systems If a safe state can be identified and quickly reached upon the occurrence of a failure, then we call the system fail-safe. Failsafeness is a characteristic of the controlled object, not the computer system. In case a failure is detected in a railway signaling system, it is possible to set all signals to red and thus stop all the trains in order to bring the system to a safe state. In failsafe applications the computer system must have a high error-detection coverage. Often a watchdog, is required to monitor the operation of the computer system and put it in safe state.
Fail-Operational hard-deadline RT systems In fail-operational applications, threre is no safe state a flight control system aboard an airplane. The computer system must remain operational and provide a minimal level of service even in the case of a failure to avoid a catastrophe
Guaranteed response systems a design that operates correctly even in the case of a peak load and fault scenario is a system with a guaranteed response. The probability of failure of a perfect system with guaranteed response is reduced to the probability that the assumptions about the peak load and the number and types of faults do not hold in reality. This probability is called assumption coverage [Pow95]. Guaranteed response systems require careful planning and extensive analysis during the design phase.
Best-effort systems If an analytic response guarantee cannot be given, we speak of a best-effort design. Best-effort systems do not require a rigorous specification of the load- and fault-hypothesis. The design proceeds according to best effort the sufficiency of the design is established during the test and integration phases. It is difficult to establish that a best-effort design operates correctly in a rare-event scenario. Many non safety-critical real-time systems are designed as best-effort systems.
Resource adequacy Guaranteed response systems are based on the principle of resource adequacy, i.e., there are enough computing resources available to handle the specified peak load and the fault scenario. Many non safety-critical real-time system designs are based on the principle of resource inadequacy. If providing sufficient resources to handle every possible situation is not economically viable, then a dynamic resource allocation strategy based on resource sharing and probabilistic arguments about the expected load and fault scenarios is used Hard realtime systems must be designed according to the guaranteed response paradigm that requires the availability of adequate resources.
Distributed RT system model From the POV of an outside observer, a real-time (RT) system can be decomposed into three communicating subsystems: a controlled object (the physical subsystem, the behavior of which is governed by the laws of physics), a “distributed” computer subsystem (the cyber system, the behavior of which is governed by the programs that are executed on digital computers) a human user or operator The distributed computer system consists of computational nodes that interact by the exchange of messages. A computational node can host one or more computational components.
RT System block diagram
Local clocks Every node of a distributed system has a local oscillator that ticks with a frequency determined by the physical parameters of the oscillator. Typical maximum drift rates r of physical clocks are in the range from 10^-2 to 10^-7 us/s, or lower, depending on the quality (and price) of the resonator Local real-time clocks in each node have a a varying drift rate
Clock synchronization The global ticks of all correct nodes must occur within a specified precision P clock synchronization should not depend on the correctness of a single clock A subset of the local oscillator’s microticks is interpreted as the global time ticks at the node. These global time ticks increment the local node’s global time counter.
Event-Triggered Control Versus Time-Triggered Control Event-triggered control is based on processor interrupts from external devices Time-triggered control is based on polling external devices at regular intervals
Example of event-triggered control int led = 77; volatile int state = LOW; void setup() { pinMode(led, OUTPUT); attachInterrupt(1, blink, RISING); } void loop() { digitalWrite(led, state); } void blink() { state = !state; }
Example of time-triggered control int led = 77; int sw = 2; volatile int state = LOW; void setup() { pinMode(led, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(led, state); } void loop() { if (digitalRead(sw)==HIGH) state = !state; delay(1000); }
Question Which time of triggering would be more efficient for an elevator control system? What do you think are the advantages/disadvantages of each?
Power consumption The concept of energy refers to a scalar quantity that describes the capability of work that can be performed by a system The intensity of the work, that is the energy used up per unit of time, is called power. Energy is thus the integral of power over time. There exist different forms of energy, such as potential energy, kinetic energy, thermal energy (heat), electrical energy, chemical energy, and radiation energy The first law of thermodynamics, relating to the conservation of energy, states that in a closed system, the total sum of all forms of energy is constant. The second law of thermodynamics states that thermal energy can only be partially transformed to other forms of energy.
Energy Estimation The energy that is needed by a computing device to execute a program can be expressed as the sum of the following four terms:
Computation energy The computation power main component is dynamic power And the energy is equal to Ecomp=Ceff*V^2*f*N Where N is the number of executed instructions
Memory energy Memory power consumption is higher than computation power consumption Depends on the type of memory being accessed Scratchpad memory that is within an IP-core. Shared on-chip memory accessed via the NoC. Off-chip memory, e.g., a large DRAM, that is accessed via the NoC and a memory gateway to the memory chip. gross estimation: a memory access for a 32 bytes block of on-chip memory requires 1000 nJ and access to the off-chip memory requires about twenty times as much, i.e., 20 mJ.
Communication Energy The energy needed by a sender Etx to transport a bit string of k bytes can be approximated by: while the energy needed by the receiver Erx can be approximated by
Energy for wired communication Etr = d*Ceffunit*V^2 Where d is the distance Ceffunit approx 1 pF/cm in on-chip interconnect V is the supply voltage
Energy for wireless communication For wireless communication, the transmit energy per bit can be approximated by Etr = b*d^2
ASIC vs FPGA vs CPU power consumption
Energy Sources There are three energy sources: energy from the power grid, energy from a battery energy harvested from the environment
Batteries An erratic power request pattern from the computer system could reduce the nominal battery power by as much as 50% In this case an ultra capacitor is needed to spikes
Example Evaluate the feasibility of an 2AA battery-powered embedded system with an operating frequency of 500 MHz that: Is idle 90% of the time There is no computation power when idle When not idle it executes 1 instruction per clock cycle All instructions come from on-chip memory and they are four bytes long The effective capacitance is 1nF It sends 1KB/h of data wirelessly to a distance of 100 m b=100 pJ/(bit/m^2).
Design/Abstraction Level
Embedded System Design Flow Traditional Embedded System Design Flow
Problems with Traditional Design Flow Gaps (manual translation) between Algorithm and Architecture level, and between Architecture level and RTL Document specifications can be misinterpreted by design teams Raising the level of abstraction that allows automatic translation to lower levels is required as system complexity increases Software has to wait for hardware before being debugged
Embedded System Requirements Essentially turning a concept into a product Asking potential customers, understanding their needs determining the best feature and price point Sales and marketing usually responsible R&D engineers should contribute
Embedded System Requirements Functional: describe each function of the system Input: Output: Processing: Non-functional: system properties not related to its function Cost Time-to-market Reliability Portability Maintainability Security
Requirements should be Concise: Brief yet complete and unambiguous Structured: Requirements should be numbered Black-box view: Not concerned with implementation Verifiable: Able to check if they are met by the implementation
Example: Digital Camera Requirements Draft Functional: R1. Image capture Input: Light from lens Output: Pixels corresponding to light at 10.2 Mpixels R2. Image compression Input: Pixels of uncompressed image Output: Pixels of compressed image (compression ratio: 4:1) R3. Image Display Input: Pixels of compressed image Output: Pixels of display on 4x3 inch LCD display R3.1 Zoom Image display Input: Pixels of compressed image, zoom area, zoom ratio Output: Pixels of display at R4. Image transfer Output: USB stream of pixels of compressed image
Example: Digital Camera Requirements Draft Non-Functional: R5. Cost: 150€ R6. Weight: 800 g R7. Power consumption (number of photographs away from mains) R8. Security
Embedded System Specifications Natural language specifications are attractive and still used. However, it lacks key requirements for specification techniques: necessary to check specifications for completeness absence of contradictions should be possible to derive implementations from the specification in a systematic way Therefore, specifications should be captured in machine readable, formal languages.
Some required features of Specification languages Hierarchy: Humans can only handle few objects Behavioral Structural Timing: Real-time operation Event-handling: Reactive External events Internal events Concurrency: Hardware inherently concurrent Synchronization and communication: Executability: Should not be misinterpreted Readability: Both human and machine readable Portability: Should not be machine-dependent
System modeling Need languages to describe systems: useful across several levels of abstraction; understandable within and between organizations. Block diagrams are a start, but don’t cover everything.
Object-oriented design (1/3) It encourages the design to be described as a number of interacting objects, rather than a few monolithic blocks of code At least some of those objects will correspond to real pieces of software or hardware in the system. We can also use UML to model the outside world that interacts with our system.
Object-oriented design (2/3) Object-oriented specification can be seen in two complementary ways: Object-oriented specification allows a system to be described in a way that closely models real-world objects and their interactions Object-oriented specification provides a basic set of primitives that can be used to describe a systems with particular attributes, irrespective of the relationships of those system’s components to real-world objects.
Object-oriented design (3/3) Object-oriented (OO) design: A generalization of object-oriented programming. Object = state + methods. State provides each object with its own identity. Methods provide an abstract interface to the object.
OO implementation in C++ class display { pixels : pixeltype[IMAX,JMAX]; public: display() { } pixeltype pixel(int i, int j) { return pixels[i,j]; } void set_pixel(pixeltype val, int i, int j) { pixels[i,j] = val; } }
OO implementation in C typedef struct { pixels: pixeltype[IMAX,JMAX]; } display; display d1; pixeltype pixelval(pixel *px, int i, int j) { return px[i,j]; }
Objects and classes Class: object type. Class defines the object’s state elements but state values may change over time. Class defines the methods used to interact with all objects of that type. Each object has its own state.
OO design principles Some objects will closely correspond to real-world objects. Some objects may be useful only for description or implementation. Objects provide interfaces to read/write state, hiding the object’s implementation from the rest of the system.
UML Developed by Booch et al. Goals: object-oriented; visual; useful at many levels of abstraction; usable for all aspects of design.
UML diagrams (1/2) Structural Modeling Diagrams Structure diagrams define the static architecture of a model. Package diagrams are used to divide the model into logical containers, or 'packages', and describe the interactions between them at a high level. Class or Structural diagrams define the basic building blocks of a model: the types, classes and general materials used to construct a full model. Object diagrams show how instances of structural elements are related and used at run-time Composite Structure diagrams provide a means of layering an element's structure and focusing on inner detail, construction and relationships Component diagrams are used to model higher level or more complex structures, usually built up from one or more classes, and providing a well defined interface Deployment diagrams show the physical disposition of significant artifacts within a real-world setting.
UML diagrams (2/2) Behavioral Modeling Diagrams Behavior diagrams capture the varieties of interaction and instantaneous states within a model as it 'executes' over time Use Case diagrams are used to model user/system interactions. They define behavior, requirements and constraints in the form of scripts or scenarios. Activity diagrams have a wide number of uses, from defining basic program flow, to capturing the decision points and actions within any generalized process. State Machine diagrams are essential to understanding the instant to instant condition, or "run state" of a model when it executes. Communication diagrams show the network, and sequence, of messages or communications between objects at run-time, during a collaboration instance. Sequence diagrams are closely related to communication diagrams and show the sequence of messages passed between objects using a vertical timeline. Timing diagrams fuse sequence and state diagrams to provide a view of an object's state over time, and messages which modify that state. Interaction Overview diagrams fuse activity and sequence diagrams to allow interaction fragments to be easily combined with decision points and flows.
Activity Diagram
Use Case Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Collaboration Diagram
UML object object name class name d1: Display pixels is a 2-D array pixels: array[] of pixels elements menu_items attributes comment
Class Diagram
UML class Display class name pixels elements menu_items mouse_click() draw_box operations
The class interface The operations provide the abstract interface between the class’s implementation and other classes. Operations may have arguments, return values. An operation can examine and/or modify the object’s state.
Choose your interface properly If the interface is too small/specialized: object is hard to use for even one application; even harder to reuse. If the interface is too large: class becomes too cumbersome for designers to understand; implementation may be too slow; spec and implementation are probably buggy.
Relationships between objects and classes Association: objects communicate but one does not own the other. Aggregation: a complex object is made of several smaller objects. Composition: aggregation in which owner does not allow access to its components. Generalization: define one class in terms of another.
Class derivation May want to define one class in terms of another. Derived class inherits attributes, operations of base class. Derived_class UML generalization Base_class
Class derivation example Display base class pixels elements menu_items pixel() set_pixel() mouse_click() draw_box derived class BW_display Color_map_display
Multiple inheritance base classes Speaker Display Multimedia_display derived class
Links and associations Link: describes relationships between objects. Association: describes relationship between classes.
Link example Link defines the contains relationship: message msg = msg1 length = 1102 message set count = 2 message msg = msg2 length = 2114
Association example # contained messages # containing message sets 0..* 1 msg: ADPCM_stream length : integer count : integer contains
Stereotypes Stereotype: recurring combination of elements in an object or class. Example: <<foo>>
Behavioral description Several ways to describe behavior: internal view; external view.
State machines transition a b state state name
Event-driven state machines Behavioral descriptions are written as event-driven state machines. Machine changes state when receiving an input. An event may come from inside or outside of the system.
Types of events Signal: asynchronous event. Call: synchronized communication. Timer: activated by time.
Signal event <<signal>> mouse_click a leftorright: button x, y: position mouse_click(x,y,button) b declaration event description
Call event draw_box(10,5,3,2,blue) c d
Timer event tm(time-value) e f
Example state machine start finish input/output region found got menu region = menu/ which_menu(i) mouse_click(x,y,button)/ find_region(region) call_menu(I) region found got menu item called menu item region = drawing/ find_object(objid) highlight(objid) object highlighted found object
Sequence diagram Shows sequence of operations over time. Relates behaviors of multiple objects.
Sequence diagram example m: Mouse d1: Display u: Menu mouse_click(x,y,button) which_menu(x,y,i) time call_menu(i)
Component Diagrams
Deployment Diagrams
Example Write a brief requirements document for an ATM Use UML diagrams to specify ATM functionality
Traditional Design Methodology
Languages traditionally used in Embedded System Design Specification/modeling UML SDL C/C++ Hardware design VHDL Verilog Software design C/C++ Java Assembly Verification VHDL/Verilog SystemVerilog Tcl/tk Vera
C/C++ unsuitable to describe hardware No support for Signals, protocols No notion of time, Clocks, time sequenced operations No concurrency (Hardware is inherently concurrent, operates in parallel) No reactivity No hardware data types (Bit type, bit-vector type, multi-valued logic types, signed and unsigned integer types, fixed-point types)
SystemC A library of C++ classes A modeling style Processes (for concurrency) Clocks (for time) Modules, ports, signals (for hierarchy) Waiting, watching (for reactivity) Hardware data types A modeling style for modeling systems consisting of multiple design domains, abstraction levels, architectural components, real-life constraints A light-weight simulation kernel for high-speed cycle-accurate simulation
Design Language Comparison UML Matlab SystemC SystemVerilog Verilog VHDL Vera Requirements YES NO Architecture HW/SW Behavior Functional Verification Testbench RTL Gates Transistors
SystemC v1.0 VHDL-like capabilities Simulation kernel Fixed point arithmetic data types Signals (communication channels) Modules Module hierarchy
C++ fundamental concepts Classes: User-defined types Variables and functions can be declared in a class Objects: Class instance Constructor: Function for initializing objects
SystemC v1.0 Modules are basic building blocks of a SystemC design A module contains processes (functionality) and/or sub-modules (hierarchical structure) SC_MODULE( module_name ) { // Declaration of module ports // Declaration of module signals // Declaration of processes // Declaration of sub-modules SC_CTOR( module_name ) { // Module constructor // Specification of process type and sensitivity // Sub-module instantiation and port mapping } // Initialization of module signals };
Ports External interface of a module Passing data from and to processes / sub-modules Triggering of actions within the module A port has a mode (direction) and a type mode: in, out, inout type: C++ type, SystemC type, user-defined type // input port declaration sc_in< type > in_port_name; // output port declaration sc_out< type > out_port_name; // bidirectional port declaration sc_inout< type > inout_port_name; Vector port / port array: sc_out< int > result [32];
Signals Connects a port of one module to the port of another module Local to a module Signal semantics is the same as VHDL and Verilog deferred assignment semantics A signal has a type: C++ type, SystemC type, user-defined type // signal declaration sc_signal< type > signal_name; Vector signal / signal array: sc_signal< double > a[4]; Internal data storage not by signals but by local variables Local variable types: C++ types, SystemC types, user-defined types
Clocks SystemC provides a special object sc_clock Clocks generate timing signals to synchronize events Multiple clocks with arbitrary phase relations are supported Clock generation: sc_clock clock_name (“label”, period, duty_ratio, offset, start_value); Example: sc_clock my_clk (“CLK”, 20, 0.5, 5, true); Clock binding: Example: my_module.clk( my_clk.signal() );
SystemC data types sc_bit: 2-value single bit (‘0’, ‘1’) sc_logic: 4-value single bit (‘0’, ‘1’, ‘X’, ‘Z’) sc_int: 1 to 64 bit signed integer sc_uint: 1 to 64 bit unsigned integer sc_bigint: arbitrary sized signed integer sc_biguint: arbitrary sized unsigned integer sc_bv: arbitrary length 2-value vector sc_lv: arbitrary length 4-value vector sc_fixed: templated signed fixed point sc_ufixed: templated unsigned fixed point sc_fix: untemplated signed fixed point sc_ufix: untemplated unsigned fixed point
Templated signed fixed point type: sc_fixed sc_fixed< wl, iwl, q_mode, o_mode, n_bits > var_name (init_val); Arguments: wl - total number of bits iwl - number of integer bits q_mode - quantization mode (optional) o_mode - overflow_mode (optional) n_bits - number of bits for overflow mode (optional)
Templated signed fixed point type: sc_fixed
SystemC v2.0 Complete library rewrite to upgrade into true SLDL Events as primitive behavior triggers Channels, Interfaces and Ports Much more powerful modeling for Transaction Level
SystemC 3.0 (future) Modeling of OSs Support of embedded S/W models
Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM) with SystemC TLM simulation is 100-10,000 times faster than RTL simulation
Interfaces, ports/exports, signals
Events Three types of notification Instant (same time, same delta) Delayed (same time, next delta) Annotated (after annotated time)
Simulation time If modeling at RTL, SystemC is not faster than VHDL Simulation is faster when modeling at higher level of abstraction Keep events to a minimum (use single events instead of signals for synchronization) Use native C++ data types instead of SystemC (VHDL-like) Use pointers instead of copying data
Coding Styles Untimed modeling (UT) Loosely-timed modeling (LT) Approximately-timed modeling (AT)
Untimed Model A functional model that can minimally consist of a single execution thread No notion of time Can be executed without passage of simulation time Useful for validating algorithm partitioning into blocks Developing software on untimed model of hardware Not useful for performance analysis
Loosely-timed model Uses set of interfaces that allows delay annotation Communication is structured in two phases Begin request Begin response
Loosely-timed modeling Simulation time advances in quantums
Approximately-timed modeling
TLM Design Flow Implement algorithm in software Create algorithmic system level as functional reference and partition into modules Refine to LT model Perform HW/SW trade-off analysis Refine to AT