N. Hammersley ACTS 1:1-5 - INTRODUCTION ADDRESSED TO “MOST EXCELLENT THEOPHILIUS” Who is he? A Roman official/ a convert An alias to protect persons name “lover of God” Any Christian reader, as they are lover of God! Author has written another book – Luke’s Gospel…this is Volume 2 Luke 1:1 following claims reliability and accuracy
N. Hammersley ACTS 1:6-8 THE COMMISSION After the resurrection Jesus is still teaching the apostles. He spoke to them about the Kingdom of God To wait for the gift of the Spirit They still misunderstand the meaning of the Kingdom, and the nature of the kingdom and Spirit.
N. Hammersley ACTS 1:6-8 THE COMMISSION The Kingdom of God is Spiritual in character. (See Stott, p.41 footnote 6) It is not a geographical place, or a political territory. It is a kingdom of the Holy Spirit. A kingdom where God rules in the hearts of his people through the Spirit. (See Stott, p.41 footnote 6) It is not a geographical place, or a political territory. It is a kingdom of the Holy Spirit. A kingdom where God rules in the hearts of his people through the Spirit.
N. Hammersley ACTS 1:6-8 THE COMMISSION The Kingdom of God is International in membership. The Holy Spirit will empower his followers to be witnesses “in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit will empower his followers to be witnesses “in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). This is a very different idea to traditional Jewish thinking. People are going out, “centrifugal mission” (out from the centre) and not waiting for people to come in, “centripetal”. Christ rules not just Israel, but over the whole of creation; race, rank, sex, colour, nationality, language are no barriers to Christian fellowship.
N. Hammersley ACTS 1:6-8 THE COMMISSION The Kingdom of God is Gradual in process. When the disciples ask Jesus if “This is the time”, he replies that - It is not their position or job to know- times and dates are for God to decide. The Parousia is at a time of God’s choosing. Between Pentecost and Parousia they have work to do; the world-wide mission of the church
N. Hammersley Acts 1:12-14 After the short walk back to Jerusalem they spend their time in prayer. There are two characteristics of this prayer Their prayer was UNITED. The 11 are named plus the women who have followed and supported Jesus and the disciples. Luke emphasises the single- mindedness of the followers and their unity Their prayer was PERSEVERING. It was constant and persistent. The Apostles follow Jesus’ command to wait for the Spirit; they are together, they are praying and confident.
N. Hammersley Acts 1:15-26 Final acts before Pentecost 1. The Death of Judas (1:18-19) Luke describes Judas’ act as wicked Matthew describes his death as suicide; not here. Who bought the field? Akeldama – Field of Blood. Judas’ blood spilt on it or Blood money?
N. Hammersley Acts 1:15-26 Final acts before Pentecost 2. Fulfilment of scripture (1:15-17 & 20) Scripture is used as evidence to explain what had happened. This emphasises that the “new” covenant is a continuation of the old, and indeed its fulfilment. This is what everything has been leading up to! This emphasises that the “new” covenant is a continuation of the old, and indeed its fulfilment. This is what everything has been leading up to!
N. Hammersley Acts 1:15-26 Final acts before Pentecost 3. The Choice of Matthias (1:21-26) Apostolic ministry- the apostles have to preach about Jesus and the Resurrection. Apostolic Qualification-a follower of Jesus from his baptism, and, a witness to the resurrection. Apostolic Appointment- Jesus chose Matthias, not anyone else! The 12 are reformed/ complete…the “New people of God” / the new Israel / the new covenant
N. Hammersley Acts 1:15-26 Final acts before Pentecost Even though they cast lots, it is Christ who decided. How they make the choice; Even though they cast lots, it is Christ who decided. How they make the choice; Follow Scripture (1:16-21) Common sense, they need to replace Judas Prayed Cast lots Now everything is in place for Pentecost…….