LUKE INTRODUCTION New Life Bible Fellowship. A. Authorship 1. Anonymous 1. Anonymous a. Author of Acts Luke 1:3 & Acts 1:1 a. Author of Acts Luke 1:3.


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Presentation transcript:

LUKE INTRODUCTION New Life Bible Fellowship

A. Authorship 1. Anonymous 1. Anonymous a. Author of Acts Luke 1:3 & Acts 1:1 a. Author of Acts Luke 1:3 & Acts 1:1 b. Companion of Paul – “we” sections in Acts b. Companion of Paul – “we” sections in Acts 2. Author: Luke – Paul’s companion and physician Col 4: Author: Luke – Paul’s companion and physician Col 4: Authority: Paul 3. Authority: Paul

B. Audience Theophilus – a Greek believer and his church community B. Audience Theophilus – a Greek believer and his church community C. Date: (or after 70) C. Date: (or after 70)

D. Purpose D. Purpose 1. Historical – Luke 1: Historical – Luke 1: Humanitarian 2. Humanitarian 3. Roman empire setting 3. Roman empire setting

E. Christ’s Character: Savior Luke 19:10 E. Christ’s Character: Savior Luke 19:10 F. Nature F. Nature 1. Theological history book 1. Theological history book 2. Motion picture 2. Motion picture

G. Special Features G. Special Features 1. Writing style: most artistic/classical 1. Writing style: most artistic/classical 2. Unique words: medical terms 2. Unique words: medical terms 3. Emphasis: Ministry to marginalized in society Samaritans/Gentiles/women/tax collectors/sinners/poor 3. Emphasis: Ministry to marginalized in society Samaritans/Gentiles/women/tax collectors/sinners/poor 4. Length: Longest Gospel Matthew 28 chapters – Luke 24, but more text 4. Length: Longest Gospel Matthew 28 chapters – Luke 24, but more text 5. Focus: Teaching in parables 15 unique to Luke 5. Focus: Teaching in parables 15 unique to Luke

H. Structural Principle salvation history 1. Empire oriented, theological history Infancy 1-2 Introduction to Jesus’ ministry 3:1-4:13 Jesus in Galilee 4:14---9:50 Travel narrative 9: :34 Ministry in or near Jerusalem 18:35-21:38 Passion & Resurrection 22-24

2. Source: Alternation between Markan and non-Markan material 2. Source: Alternation between Markan and non-Markan material InfancyResurrectionParallel to Mark 1-2 9:51 Q & LMark & L 18:14 24

The Outline of Luke-Acts A Chiasm with central climax The birth of Jesus in the context of world history and Roman rule Jesus in Galilee in Samaria & Judea in Samaria & Judea in Jerusalem in Jerusalem Church in Jerusalem in Judea and Samaria in Judea and Samaria throughout the Gentile world throughout the Gentile world the preaching of the Gospel by Paul extends as far as Rome The Heart of Luke-Acts Resurrection & Ascension 3. Chiastic Structure of Luke-Acts

I. Special problem: Delay of Parousia I. Special problem: Delay of Parousia J. Theology: J. Theology: 1. A Universal focus 1. A Universal focus --compassion for powerless in society --compassion for powerless in society --salvation for all people --salvation for all people 2. Holy Spirit 2. Holy Spirit 3. Prayer 3. Prayer 4. Stewardship of material possessions 4. Stewardship of material possessions