The Eternal Cycle of All Life Ch. 7 Hinduism #2
Samsara: The Wheel of Life All life governed by a law of birth, death, & rebirth when reborn: not necessarily again as human Moksha: the goal of life, liberation from samsara
Karma Law that determines how one is reborn What one does in a life affects what one will be in the next Best way to ensure karma? Do good deeds, follow one’s duty, i.e., dharma
The Divine: Brahman Brahman: the power that sustains the universe, its deepest reality Upanishads: shifted Hindu thinking that: Consciousness unites everything The self one experiences in their consciousness is one with Brahman (the reality of the universe) Brahman can’t be named, many forms of the deities express the various aspects of Brahman
Atman One’s true self A fragment of Brahman Everyone is part of the divine Coming to a consciousness of oneself as Brahman is the way to defeat death The obstacle to this consciousness? Our many distractions
Maya Humans see & sense things as different, (i.e., not One) This illusion: maya Seeing things as separate from each other, one doesn’t see the divine oneness (Brahman) of all things To be set free: Realize that Brahman or atman present in all
Caste System Traditional Hindu society, hierarchy Karma & dharma: rebirth @ higher level This belief society divided into castes Castes determined: roles, jobs, social standing, religious structures Caste system from around 1500 BCE with Aryans Following dharma: follow rules of caste Acting above one’s caste: bad karma
Outcastes / Untouchables Four Basic Castes (+…) Priests Warriors Business people Farmers Outcastes / Untouchables
Brahmans Priestly caste Study and teach matters of faith Lead most key rituals
Role: protect people & run a fair government Kshatriyas Warrior caste Role: protect people & run a fair government
Vaishyas Traders, merchants, farmers, artists, business people Role: care for economic needs of the community
Sudras Lowest caste Serve the higher castes Unskilled workers, servants, menial workers
Untouchables A.K.A. “outcastes” May not interact in any way with other castes Do the dirtiest of work Live separately This system is changing.
Student, 7 – 20 Religious education, search for truth Four Stages of Life Student, 7 – 20 Religious education, search for truth Householder, 20-50, duty to family, raising children, earning living Semi-retired, when family self-supporting Wandering ascetic. Living a holy, detached life, no possessions or responsibilities: sanyasin
Life Milestones 16 noted in Hindu scriptures (e.g., Conception, birth, naming, 1st haircut, religious graduation, marriage, retirement, death & cremation) NAMING @ home, 12 days after birth Traditional rules dictate number of syllables, caste, deity of devotion Modern rules more flexible
Sacred Thread Initiation ceremony, upper caste boys between 7-12 Marks becoming a student Boy introduced to guru, sacred thread over him Must wear the thread at all times as a reminder of responsibilities of caste & study of Vedas
Family carries body to cremation grounds Body placed on pyre Death Family carries body to cremation grounds Body placed on pyre Ashes scattered on water, preferably a river In Canada, Hindus have adapted their funeral practices