Hinduism, and the Quest for Liberation
Background of Hinduism Rooted in Indian culture itself Tolerance and diversity: "Truth is one, paths are many“ –pluralist and absolutist in approach Many deities but a single, impersonal Ultimate Reality called Brahman (monotheistic with polytheistic expressions) No single document maintains supremacy but Hindus derive wisdom from the: Vedas Upanishads Epic poems Ramayana Bhagavad Gita
How did Hinduism begin? Indus River Valley Civilization >5000 years ago Vedic Tradition 3500 – 2500 years ago: rituals and many gods (polytheism) sacred texts (Vedas) social stratification (caste system) Upanishads (metaphysical philosophy) 2800 – 2400 years ago
The Role of the Bhagavad Gita “The Song of God” is a very long passage in the epic poem The Mahabharata written by the poet Vyasa The Mahabharata tells the story of an ancient war between two ruling families in India On the field of battle, Krishna (an avatar of Vishnu) manifests himself to a young warrior named Arjuna who is worried about killing others in battle. Krishna reveals truths about the Absolute Reality, about dharma—since Arjuna is of the warrior/ruler caste, it is his duty to kill in battle so he should not feel badly about it, and about enlightenment as liberation—3 paths: knowledge, action, devotion.
What do Hindus believe? One impersonal Ultimate Reality – Brahman Manifest as many deities (polytheism); incarnations = avatars True essence of life – Atman, the soul, is Brahman trapped in matter (Maya=illusion =physical reality) Reincarnation – atman is continually born into this world lifetime after lifetime (Samsara) Karma – consequences of good and bad actions follows us andkeeps us bound to this world. Ultimate goal of life – to release Atman from maya and reunite with the divine, becoming as one with Brahman (Moksha)
How does Hinduism direct life in this world? Respect for all life Human life as supreme Four “stations” of life (caste) - priests & teachers, nobles & warriors, merchant class, servant class Four stages of life – student, householder, retired, renunciant Four duties of life – pleasure, success, social responsibilities, religious responsibilities (dharma) Various paths to enlightenment (Yoga= discipline): action in selfless service (kharma); devotion (bhakti); knowledge (jnana); meditation (raja); knowledge of reality, self- purification, meditation (hatha).
Who do Hindus worship? – the major gods of the Hindu Pantheon Brahma, the creator god Vishnu, the preserver god Shiva, god of constructive destruction
All these deities are but Manifest forms (attributes and functions) of the impersonal Brahman
Hindu Philosophy of Person Vedanta tradition has 3 interpretations Non Dualism or Ideal Monism: There is only one ultimate reality – Brahman. Brahman is one, unchanging, indivisible being. The world of change, individuality, and multiplicity is illusion or appearance. (Shankara, 8th century AD) Qualified Non-Dualism: There is a single ultimate reality, Brahman, who at a certain time transforms itself into a personal God (Ishvara), the universe, and individual souls. (Ramanuja, 12th century AD) Dualism: There are two realities, Brahman and created reality. Brahman is eternally the creator, that is, all things eternally depend on Brahman for their existence. So the world of plurality is real but dependent on Brahman. (Madhva, 13th century)
Where Does the Self Fit In? Atman: Real, essential, uncreated consciousness 1. In Non-Dualism, Brahman and Atman are identical. 2. In Qualified Non-Dualism, Brahman is to Atman what the whole is to the part. 3. In Dualism, Brahman and Atman are distinct and Atman is dependent on Brahman. Jiva: Empirical self, individual, changing, psychophysical 1. Physical or Gross Body (visible): solid, visible mass of marrow, bone, flesh, etc. 2. Subtle Body (invisible): a rarified and ethereal body of uncompounded elements: senses, mind, intellect, action. It is not material in the western sense of matter. It lacks shape and size, and consciousness in itself.
All three viewpoints distinguish between the real self and the empirical self – an essential feature of Hinduism.
What Does It Mean to be Human? The physical body is subject to corruption in the natural process of physical death. The subtle body (being uncompounded) is not subject to corruption in the process of physical death. It will continue to exist. Non-conscious psychic elements reunite to a new body to form a new center of consciousness. This is the generic Hindu conception of reincarnation. BRAHMAN ↕ ATMAN ↓ JIVA Psychophysical Self ↓ ↓ (Gross Body) + (Subtle Body)
Buddhism: Seeking Detachment and Nirvana
Background of Buddhism The “middle way of wisdom and compassion” Derived from Hinduism, but rejects certain beliefs and practices of Hinduism. A 2500 year old tradition that began in India and spread and diversified throughout the Far East A philosophy and spiritual practice followed by more than 300 million people Based on the teachings of the Buddha
How does Buddhism differ from Hinduism? Buddhism rejects… Authority of the ancient Vedic texts The Vedic caste system The Vedic and Hindu deities—Buddhism is not deistic The efficacy of Vedic worship and ritual The concept of Brahman—Buddhism is not theistic
Who was the Buddha? Born Siddhartha Gautama – of noble caste in India, 563 B.C.E. Raised in great luxury to be a king Empathy for the suffering of others; at age 29, rejected the life of luxury to seek enlightenment and the solution to suffering Followed a strict ascetic lifestyle for six years Rejected this extreme, sat in meditation, claimed to achieve Nirvana – an awakening to the truth about life, becoming a Buddha, the “Awakened One”at the age of 35 Spent the remaining 45 years of his life teaching others how to achieve the peace of mind he had achieved
What did the Buddha teach? The Four Noble Truths: Suffering Exists (Life is Suffering): Humans sleep away their lives in self-centered preoccupations; this self-centeredness only leads to pain, misery, sorrow, and unfulfillment. Desire Causes Suffering: The need to refer all things to ourselves causes suffering. We suffer because our ego dupes us into believing that we need what we desire. Not an illusion, but attachment to the impermanent. Cessation of Desire Brings the Cessation of Suffering: Rather than absorb everything into the ego for our own pleasure, we must allow our connection with reality to cause an outward flow – a universal compassion toward all living creatures. The Eightfold Path Leads to Cessation of Desire: The observance of the Eightfold Path is at the heart of the Buddhist life, and leads to Nirvana, enlightenment and liberation from detachment.
What is the Eight-Fold Path? Wisdom: seek truth and resist self-centeredness Right motivation Right understanding Moral discipline: respect all life and work for the good of others Right speech Right action Right livelihood Mental discipline: free the mind of egocentrism Right effort Right mindfulness Right meditation
What do Buddhists believe? Rebirth (reincarnation) results from attachments (karma) Nirvana is a peaceful, detached state of mind Achieving Nirvana means escape from the cycle of death and rebirth, samsara Once Gautama Buddha died, after 80 years of life in this world, having achieved Nirvana and teaching multitudes his way of life, he ceased to exist as a distinct being, no afterlife; join into the great cosmic energy. Buddhism is non-theistic: Buddha is not the Buddhist God – he is just a revered teacher
Buddhist Metaphysics Dukkha: life in this world is filled with suffering Anicca: everything in this world is impermanent Anatta:the self/soul is also impermanent – there is no eternal, unchanging self (“no soul” – no atman) Suffering is a state of mind – achieve a balanced, peaceful, detached state of mind and suffering can be extinguished (Nirvana)
What are some Buddhist texts? Tripitaka (the Pali Cannon) – the “Three Baskets”: Vinaya (“discipline”) – rules for monastic life Sutta (“discourse”) – sermons of the Buddha Abhidhamma (metaphysical “teachings”) Dhammapada – collected sayings of the Buddha Other texts used by specific schools
What is the Buddhist Self? There is no continuous, unchanging self; no “atman.” Self is an-atta, “no-self:” merely a name for various sensations, thoughts, and actions an illusory source of suffering, desire, and vanity temporal and ceases to exist at death. Only aspects of empirical self survives death, mental elements (abstracted from self-consciousness or ego), not the entire personality; this energy, if not liberated, is reborn until it reaches nirvana.