Writing Workshop Review of Important Grammar Rules
Comma Splices Definition- when a comma separates two complete sentences Ex. John Proctor was a strong and well respected man, Proctor was also known to be a sinner. A period should separate these sentences.
Comma Usage Many of you used commas too frequently. Ex. Abigail Williams was mean spirited, and a convincing liar. In this sentence there is no need for the use of a comma. Most of the time when the word and is used, you do not need a comma before or after it. Many of you are in the habit of doing this.
Quotes There were some minor errors in quote formation. Ex. I say that you are bringing down heaven and raising a whore, (Miller, 1148). This is incorrect for two reasons. Do you know why? I say that you are bringing down heaven and raising a whore (Miller 1148). There should be no commas inside the quotes and there should be no comma separating the author and page number.
Quotes If you are citing one source, then you only have to include the authors name in your quotes one time. After the first time, you only need to include the page number within your quotes. Ex. I say that you are bringing down heaven and raising a whore (1148). Do not cite as, (pg. 1148).
Listing Media Sources Within Your Paper T.V. shows are in quotes Ex. Lost or Flavor of Love Movies are italicized or underlined like novels and plays. Ex. The Ringer or Saw 3 Again, the title of a novel should be italicized or underlined. So should magazines, plays, etc. Short story titles and poem titles should be put inside quotes. Ex. The Raven or The Tell-Tale Heart
Capitalization When referring to The Bible within your paper The and Bible need to be capitalized. Also, the word God needs to be capitalized.
Tenses Technically, when writing about literature, you are supposed to write about it in the present tense. I know this can be hard at times, but it is something that you should work on. The best way to improve on this is by frequently rereading and editing your work.
Tense Inconsistency This is probably the most common error I saw in your papers. When writing a formal essay, you have to keep your writing in the same tense. You CANNOT switch between present and past tense. If you start in present tense, then you have to stay in present tense.
Tense Inconsistency Ex. of tense inconsistency: John Proctor is the best example of a puritan in the play, The Crucible. John Proctor was the only character in this play that stood up to the tyranny of the girls.
Tense Inconsistency Correct use of tenses: John Proctor is the best example of a puritan in the play, The Crucible. John Proctor is the only character in this play that stands up to the tyranny of the girls.
Other Common Errors Do not use contractions in a formal essay. Avoid fragments. Make sure your sentences are complete. Try not to start sentences with the word And. Avoid using slang terms within a formal essay.