The Origins of Hinduism BRAHMA SIVA If Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, what does that mean? Monotheistic?
Indian Society According the the Vedas, there were four main divisions, or varnas, in Indian society. The varnas were: *Brahmins (priests, teachers, and scholars) *Kshatriyas (rulers and warriors) *Vaisyas (farmers, craftspeople, and traders) *Sudras (laborers and non- Aryans) Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaisyas Sudras Why do you think the priests were at the top of society?
India’s Caste System Within the four varnas, there existed many castes, or even smaller groups. Since there were so many groups, they needed sutras, or guides, to keep their rules straight. Some rules kept people from higher castes from marrying or even talking with those from lower castes. People who broke the rules would be banned from their castes. What would life be like if our culture adopted a caste system like ancient India’s? At one time, over 3,000 separate castes existed in India.
Hinduism Hindus believe in many gods. Three of their main gods include: *Brahma the Creator *Siva the Destroyer *Vishnu the Preserver At the same time, however, Hindus believe that each god is part of the universal spirit, Brahman. Brahma Siva Vishnu
Life and Rebirth Hindus believe everyone has a soul, or atman, inside them. Hindus’ ultimate goal is to unite their atman with Brahman, the universal spirit. It is hard to join Brahman after one life, so Hindus believe their souls are born and reborn many times, each time into new bodies. Being born and reborn into new bodies is called reincarnation. Tell your neighbor about reincarnation.
The Concept of Karma Karma is the effects that good or bad actions have on a person’s soul. Hindus believe that a person with bad karma will be reborn into a lower caste in society. They also believe Hindus with good karma will be reborn into a higher caste in society. Hindus build good karma by fulfilling the duties required of their caste. Hindus believe they have a DUTY to accept their place in the caste system. This duty is called their dharma.
Jainism An example of another popular religion in India is Jainism. Jains, or people who believe in Jainism, believe in four basic principles. INJURE NO LIFE TELL THE TRUTH DO NOT STEAL OWN NO PROPERTY Jains practice nonviolence!