Hinduism- “I have been born more times then anybody except Krishna”-Mark Twain Hinduism is the Chief religion in India
Pre-class After you die, if you could come back as any living thing, what would it be? And Why?
India has two million gods, and worships them all. In religion all other countries are paupers; India is the only millionaire. - Following the Equator, Mark Twain
Hinduism cont. Hinduism is the Chief Religion of India Hinduism has its roots in Aryan beliefs and practices
Hinduism Hinduism has no founder Nor does it have a formal church.
Sacred Texts Hindu beliefs are recorded in Sacred texts. Most important texts are: 1. Vedas, 2. Upanishads.
Vedas The Vedas comes from the Aryan culture. The Vedas includes hymns, prayers, and rituals used in religious ceremonies. They were composed between 1500 B.C. and 1000 B.C.
Maya The illusion, that must be recognized for Hindus to gain Salvation. Can take many lives to see this.
Brahman Hindus worship many gods, but they are all part of “Brahman.” It is a shapeless formless, nameless, unlimited entity.
Brahman continued 3 main gods of Hinduism 1. Brahma- Creator 2. Vishnu- preserver 3. Siva-destroyer
Atman Hindus believe that every person has an essential self, or ATMAN. Every living thing is part of the same universal soul. Hindus stress respect of nature, and non-violence.
Explained in the Upanishads “The essential self or the vital essence in humans is the same as that in an ant, the same as that in a gnat, the same as that in an elephant … indeed the same as that in the whole universe.”
Monism All things in the universe are of the same essence as God. Unity of God and creation.
Moksha/Nirvana The true goal of life according to Hindus is “Moksha,” a freeing of the soul from the body so the soul can unite with brahman. Pursuing false goals, can block Moksha.
Reincarnation Hindus believe that moksha can not be achieved in one lifetime. Hindus believe that people undergo a rebirth of the soul in various forms. After the body dies the soul can be reborn as anything.
Cycle of death continues for Hindus, until soul reaches brahman. Whether a soul reaches a Union with brahman depends on law of Karma.
Karma-law of Karma Every deed, mental or physical, in this life affects a person’s fate in a future life. –A person’s present situation is the result of his or her deeds in a past existence.
Good deeds result eventually in happiness, bad deeds result in sorrow.
Ritual Bathing in the Ganges
Bathing in the Ganges Ganges river is considered holy and pure. People take pilgrimages from all over India to bathe in its waters and often take bottles of it home to use in family worship.
Pilgrimage at Varanasi
The Naga Sadhus, the most revered sect of Hindu holy men
The waters are believed to have special powers
Hinduism and the Caste System Most Hindus believe that a person’s caste is the result of karma. –Both high-caste and low-caste Hindus accept the idea that one’s deeds in past lives are responsible for one’s present position in society. –Believe that the Brahmans (highest caste) are closest to moksha.
Dharma Each caste has their own dharma –Duties and obligations Obedience to caste rules as well as to moral laws. –People can improve their position in the next life by carrying out their duties in this life.
Dharma Dharma influences Indian life in many ways –Provides hope for a better life in the future. –Knowledge that their future life depends on their past deeply encourages Hindus to behave morally.
YOGA- mental and physical exercises to bring the body and mind together.
Cows are sacred, provide power, milk, butter