Hinduism Miss Isler Trimester 1 World Religions
Origins India Many mingled beliefs in India- combination of them Vedas – Aryan priests’ hymns telling of different religious rituals about fire, earth, air, and water –Today, oldest set of religious scriptures still in active use. Great source for historians to tell about India from BCE
Aum Aum, or Om
Hindu teachers Around 400 BCE, Hindu teachers tried to interpret and explain the meaning in Vedic hymnds –What is the nature of reality? –What is morality? –Is there eternal life? –What is the soul? All of their comments were written in Upanishads
Upanishads- Sacred Texts 1.The one true reality is Brahman, the mighty spirit that creates and destroys- can be mountains, rain, etc. Brahmin is One, but expresses itself in many.- monotheistic! Everything in Nature is tied to Brahmin (unlike in Europe, people are different from butterflies. Not in Hinduism) 2.One aspect of Brahman is the Self, or Soul, called Atman. Atman is everywhere 3.Nothing that lives ever dies entirely- reincarnation 4.All Hindus must seek to reach a state of perfect understanding called Moksha. Once reach Moksha, the soul will never suffer another reincarnation but join Brahman. Brahman is God, but appears to humans in various forms and worshipped in different gods and goddesses
Upanishads Text reading
Caste System The Caste system is a grouping of people of how they are made from God. –Brahmin- from Brahman’s Mouth- priests –Kshatriyas- from arms- rulers/warrios –Vaishyas- legs- landowners –Shudras- feet- slaves –Untouchables- not from God All explained through reincarnation- Brahmin did not commit bad deeds in earlier life, untouchables did. Brahmin Kshatriyas Vaishyas Shudras Untouchables
Karma Ethical law of cause and effect Moral behavior in one life guaranteed rebirth in a higher caste. Immoral behavior automatically dropped a reborn into a lower caste Dharma- duty. In each caste, must follow duty to “behave well”
Karma or Guru clip
Guru and Worship People who have developed their spirituality to a point where they can now teach others Spiritual leaderSpiritual leader Worship –People worship at home or in temples –If at home, have a shrine
Festivals Divali- in October/November –Most important. Festival of Lights. The Hindu New Year Navaratri- September/October –9 nights (meaning, and lasts). Mother Goddess, Durga Holi- (May) –Beginning of spring. Most lively festival with bonfires and throwing of colorful paint and liquids at each other to symbolize fertility Janmashtami- July/August –A time to reflect on their spiritual progress and evaluate on how close they are to God
Namaste A greeting meaning “I honor that place in you where God resides.”