Sunnyside School District


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Presentation transcript:

Sunnyside School District Math Training Module 5 Kinder and First Grade Concept Development

Good Afternoon Where is your classroom in regards to the year-long fluency expectations? What’s working well and what challenges have come up? Fluency Standard: K---Add/Subtract within 5 Fluency Standard 1st grade – Add/Subtract within 10 2. Have you tried a performance task with your students? What challenges came up and how did you handle them? 3. What comes to mind when you think about teaching conceptually? What would this look like in a math classroom? 2 sessions of 10 minutes in classrooms with fluency.

Year-long Fluency Standards K---Add/Subtract within 5 1st—Add/subtract within 10 2nd—Add/subtract within 20; Add/subtract within 100 (includes regrouping) 3rd—Multiply/divide within 100; Add/subtract within 1000 4th—Add/subtract within 1,000,000 5th—Multi-digit multiplication using standard algorithm 6th—Multi-digit division; All operations with decimals 7th—Two-step equations

CCSS Math Shifts Focus Coherence Rigor Procedural Skill and Fluency Conceptual Understanding Application of Math Standards

Math Practice Standards Make sense of problems and persevere is solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Really important!!! This will push the thinking and raise rigor (k-1 not lot of dok3 just a few) MP3- kids think and talk then discuss then they move from that scaffold to the discuss “critique” somone elses thinking…look at someone's work and critique… Choose a word “oops, pitfall”… MP 5

Math Practices 3 and 5 Read Math Practices and discuss: How would these look in a classroom? What are all of the types of tools in MP 5? What are the two parts to MP3? How can you give students an opportunity to practice these?

Penny Plate

Math Practice 3 Suggestions Penny Plate We started with 10 pennies. Jose says that there are 6 pennies under the plate. Do you agree or disagree with Jose? Why? Critique the reasoning of others: Show solutions or methods for a problem. Have students identify if the solution is correct and why. Create a common phrase or word to identify the common mistakes we make (oopsie!, pitfall, misconception, etc.)

Initial Instruction Balance Concepts Between Procedures Good reminder for the teacher that we are balancing both (already thinking about this in the standard study)

Concepts and Procedures Doing something correctly, in itself, does not indicate understanding. Come up with my example of my own

Conceptual Understanding Students can explain HOW the math works. Students can explain why THEY are using a specific strategy. Students can derive formulas and/or shortcuts on their own. Students can explain the meaning of math symbols and numbers. We Want to move kids to efficiency but if they do it their own way it’s ok!!!

Teaching Conceptually Two Methods: Increase the depth of teacher questioning in your classroom during lessons AND REQUIRE all students to answer them. Create conceptual activities where students discover an understanding. (March PD- Module 6)

Rigor Measurement Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Four Levels Based on the cognitive demand of a task or question Process more important than product Used to write the new standards and assessments Think about the DOK of: Questions Student activities Classroom assessments Use before math practice standards or use before. Brain hurts… Process more important than product…

Connection to Blooms they can go together LOTI

DOK Review Read pages 1 and 2 in the document on Math DOK and come up with a statement about the difference between a DOK 2 and a DOK 3 activity. How can you see the difference in a classroom? The difference between the 2 and 3 are the amount of questions kids have to answer. DOK 3 make choices with more than one option. Justify your answers. DOK 2 make decisions and explain…DOK if they say I did this because…makes it a 3. DOK 2 What you did DOK 3what you did and why you did it…

DOK on AZMerit Percentage of questions on AzMERIT at each DOK Level: Level 1: 10-20% Level 2: 60-70% Level 3: 12-30% Level 4: 0% How do these compare to the activities and questions in your classroom?

DOK of Questions Level 1 Questions: Show 6 counters on the ten frame. How many more counters are needed to make a ten? Level 2 Questions: Represent this word problem with a drawing and equation or act out your steps to solve the problem. How do you know your answer is correct? Level 3 Questions: Create another solution for the problem (open ended). Can you use a different strategy to solve the problem? Create for k (questions) You have to have 1-3 all the time. Not just 3

DOK Questions Think about the math that you are teaching right now and create a question at each DOK level (1-3). DOK 1: Is that a 2D or 3D Shape? DOK 2: Is that a 2D or 3D shape and how do you know? DOK 3: How is a 2D shape the same or different from a 3D shape? This is where we are checking for understanding

From Teacher Questions Consider this: Did one student answer the question? Did the teacher answer the question? Did ALL of the students answer the question? How can you ensure that all students answer a high level question that you ask? Brainstorm as many strategies as you can. Ask a high level question and make sure that every kiddo to answer..

Wait Time Guidelines DOK 1: 10 seconds- quick and move on DOK 2: 1-2 minutes- think time and time to talk DOK 3: 5 minutes- give kids time to process to

Reflection What level of questions to you ask most often in your classroom? How can you increase the level of your questions? Where can you find higher level questions?

Create DOK Questions K.MD.A.1. Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object. What are some of the concepts we are working on in this standard? What would be some examples of DOK 1, 2, and 3 level activities/questions? Why does each big number on the clock also represent 5 minutes? Why do we call 30 minutes half an hour? Why is the hour hand not always closest to the current hour?

Activity K: K.MD.1-3 1st: 1.MD.1-4 For upcoming standards, identify concepts in the standard and create questions at DOK level 2 or 3 that you will ask students to ensure they have the understanding. K: K.MD.1-3 1st: 1.MD.1-4