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Nationally Recognized Programs Educational Leadership District & Building Level Special Education Early Childhood Education School Psychology Reading Health and Physical Education Social Studies English Mathematics Science
You are an all American, love baseball, Mom & Apple pie. You are the cheerleader for your program, a good PR person, a great fundraiser, level headed, kind, thoughtful, playful, nurturing, dependable and loyal. You help others to shine, and you always remember everyone’s birthday. Others turn to you for help.
You are creative, optimistic, always see the cup as ½ full, messy (messy desk) but organized (eventually you will find that missing item or believe that you will). You like to be hands on. You’re a little off beat, ditzy, funny, friendly, outgoing, and always willing to help. You like the surprising things in life, the “krackel”. You also appreciate situations that allow flexibility, change, and growth.
You are analytical and logical. You gather data first before giving an opinion, play the devil’s advocate at meetings, tend to see all the possibilities and drive people crazy by sharing all the “what ifs”. You hate deadlines and put off starting things as the consummate procrastinator. You like to be the expert, but do things in your own time frame. You can analyze things to death. You like there to be rules that everyone follows because you work best with structure….you hate surprises.
You are patient, thoughtful, insightful, reflective, dependable, resourceful, loyal, and you like to see a project through from start to finish. You are an individualist, a problem solver. You’d make a good grant writer. You work well with difficult people, though you have little patience for incompetence or lies. You set high standards for yourself and others.
Accreditation on D2L For today’s meeting… – Discussion Boards – Forms under Content – Accreditation D2L Shell Accreditation D2L Shell
Standard 1: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions
Disposition Survey Fall 2010
Disposition Survey Spring 2011
Standard 3: Field and Clinical Experiences
Instructional Assessment Plan Fall 2010 IMPACT
IAP Spring 2011 Knowledge of Students Alignment with Standards
Standard 3 Exhibits 3.3a. Examples across programs of collaborative activities between unit and P-12 schools to support the design, implementation and evaluation of field experiences and clinical practice, including memoranda of understanding. 3.3.b. Policies, practices, and data on candidate placement in field experiences and clinical practice. 3.3.c. Criteria for the selection of clinical faculty, which includes both higher education and P-12 school faculty. 3.3.d. Examples of support and evaluation of clinical faculty across programs.
Standard 3 exhibits cont. 3.3.e. Guidelines/handbooks on field experiences and clinical practice for candidates, and clinical faculty, including support provided. 3.3.f. Assessment instruments and scoring guides used for and data collected from field experiences and clinical practice for all programs, including use of technology for teaching and learning (These assessments may be included in program review documents or the exhibits for Standard 1. Cross reference as appropriate.) 3.3.g. Performance data on candidates entering and exiting form clinical practice for all programs (These assessments may be included in program review documents or the exhibits for Standard 1. Cross reference as appropriate.)
Standard 4: Diversity
Diversity Survey
Diversity Survey Pre-Post
Conceptual Framework
Rubric to be used at program level
Revised Rubric
Standard 5: Faculty Qualifications
Thank You!!