MAGIC Robot Demo ESE111 November Joe Trovato, James Yang
Outline Background Hardware Software Summary
Background MAGIC 2010 Competition: autonomous operation of multiple robots for mapping and exploartion Since then: Expanded platform to diverse research applications Improving mapping, planning, and interaction of robots with their environment
Hardware: Less Overwhelming Driving: Motor Controllers DC Motors Skid Turning Localization and Mapping: Horizontal and Vertical Lidars IMU Processing: Mac Mini Microcontroller
Software SLAM:Simultaneous Localization and Mapping IMU - Inertial Measurement Unit Vision - vertical and horizontal LIDAR Communication: IPC: Inter Process Communication Wireless communication via WiFi GUI: Graphical User Interface Map Traversal Path Planning
Concepts Applied Electrical and Systems Engineering: Basic Circuit Analysis (ESE215/205) Signals and Filtering (ESE216/206) Digital Design ( ESE170/171) Mechanical Engineering: Dynamics and Kinematics (MEAM211) Mechanical Design (MEAM101,201) Computer Science: Embedded Systems (ESE350) Data Structures and Algorithms (CIS110,120,121)
Summary Robotics requires and develops comprehensive engineering skills Research integrates a variety of different disciplines Research is an opportunity to apply concepts learned in the classroom!
Questions and Demo