World's oldest living religion Originated in India around 4,000 years ago. Most Hindus live in India 3 rd largest religion in world Over 900 million followers Diwali: The Festival of Lights
Basic Beliefs No prophet or founder Sacred texts Vedas (contain eternal truths) Upanishads (help explain the Vedas) Henotheistic: Worship of one god without denying the existence of other gods Hindu Temple
Hindu Gods and Goddesses Gods are all manifestations of one supreme being, Brahman or the Universal Spirit. The universe has been created, sustained, and destroyed many times. 3 major expressions of Brahman who rule over the universe: Brahma, who created the world ○ G for generator Vishnu, who sustains the universe for 432 million human years ○ O for operator Shiva, who destroys the universe. This begins the cycle again. ○ D for destroyer
Reincarnation and Afterlife Reincarnation is the rebirth of the soul after death into the body of another Resulted in a caste system. Ultimate goal: achieve moksha, the union of atman (soul) with Brahman (Universal Spirit) Whether one achieves moksha is determined by karma: every deed, mental and physical in this life affects a person’s fate in a future life
The Caste System Developed in ancient times from the 4 social classes of the Aryans Set up as a strict social and religious order Born into one caste and stayed there for life Could only marry within your own caste Your caste is the result of karma Each caste has its own dharma: duties and obligations to one’s caste “Do your dharma, get good karma”