HOW WILL WE BECOME STRONGER? Motivation Goal Setting Arousal Anxiety Mental Rehearsal Aggression
OUR PLAN FOR TODAY: Define Motivation, Personality, Goals, Arousal, Anxiety, Aggression and explain how they relate to performance. Set SMARTER goals. Explain how to set optimum levels of arousal for sport.
What is MOTIVATION?? * Why people do what they do The direction and intensity of ones effort Determination to Achieve Think of 2 examples from professional sports where athletes show unbelievable motivation to achieve.
THE BIG M--MOTIVATION The more motivated you are the more likely you are to succeed. Is this true? The more motivated you are the harder you will work (Apparently!) Research has indicated that there are two main forms of motivation..
INTRINSIC MOTIVATION Intrinsic motivation comes from the activity itself… for the love of the game the zone - the ultimate You enjoy the sport regardless of the rewards You may play for fun, the satisfaction of performing well or for the pride in winning.
EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION Extrinsic motivation comes from rewards and outside factors/pressures. Winning Prize money Rankings Sponsorship Avoid letting team down
WHICH IS BEST? Often a mix of both Extrinsic motivators alone may not be enough What happens when the sponsors pull out or the prize money stops ? The athletes often stop playing However it is intrinsic motivation that will keep us involved in sport when extrinsic rewards are not present.
MOTIVATION & GOALS What is a goal ? Why are goals useful ?
SMARTER GOALS Specific Measurable Agreed Realistic Time-phased Ethical Recorded
NOW YOU TRY IT! Create a goal using the SMARTER principle Create a goal using the SMARTER principle Work with a partner Make it specific to basketball
AROUSAL List how you might feel before a big game or at before a big game or at the start of a big race Try and come up with at least 5 different feelings least 5 different feelings
EFFECTS OF AROUSAL How can arousal improve performance? How can arousal impair performance?
AROUSAL & YOUR GAME Arousal = a state of excitement and alertness. Both physiological and mental. The type of personality you display can go a long way to predicting the type of sport you prefer to play or the way you handle pressure. Two different types known as INTRINSIC EXTRINSIC
PERSONALITY & PERFORMANCE Extroverts prefer: Team sports Activities involving the entire body. Plenty of activity and unpredictability.
PERSONALITY & PERFROMANCE Introverts prefer: Individual sports Activities involving fine motor movements. Activities with limited movement. Routine and repetitive sports.
MATCH IT UP! Write down words that you think describe your personality. Next, write down sports that you enjoy. Does your personality match your sports choices?
WHAT WE HAVE COVERED What is arousal Inverted U theory Arousal control Adrenalin Anxiety Mental rehearsal
Inverted U Explained As arousal increases, performance is improved up to a certain point. After that point, performance is diminished.
WHAT AFFECTS THE U? The sport can affect the placement of the curve. The person can affect the placement of the curve.
ADRENALINE, BABY!! Produced by the adrenal glands When you are frightened or nervous, adrenaline is released into the bloodstream. Affects: increased heart rate, increased oxygen utilization by muscles, blood vessels contract shunting blood to the muscles. Makes muscles tense ready for action
AROUSAL & ANXIETY Anxiety = Your evaluation of increasing or decreasing arousal What makes us anxious? Performing before a crowd? Fear of failure? 2 components Worry Physiological effects Over anxiety is a problem if anxiety itself is perceived as being negative.
HOW CAN WE CONTROL ANXIETY? Mental Rehearsal Used by top athletes Athletes who utilize imagery improve their sport skills to a greater degree than those who do not (Isaac 1992). Elite athletes report using imagery more often than non elite athletes (Hall et al. 1991).
Mental practice and imagery work because the individual literally plans his/her actions in advance (Sackett 1934). Imagery can help athletes adjust their arousal levels for optimal performance Linked to visualization seeing yourself cross the finish line or score the winning goal Mental rehearsal is better than no practice Mental rehearsal combined with physical practice is more effective than either alone.
RELAXATION TRAINING Controlled breathing and relaxing the body to reduce the heart rate. Thinking positively – Self affirmations. IE,” we are good enough and that we can do well”! Your coach will also help the team to cope with anxiety by giving verbal reassurances, talking calmly, and helping you to focus. LISTEN to her!!
WHAT WE HAVE COVERED What is arousal Inverted U theory Arousal control Adrenalin Anxiety Mental rehearsal
CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING What is motivation? Explain the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. What motivates you to play your sport There may be several factors. Give three examples of extrinsic motivators.
MORE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Name one extrinsic motivator connected with basketball. Give 4 reasons why goals help an athlete List the seven characteristics of a goal How do athletes control anxiety
GROUP ASSIGNMENT Map out some sports goals for your team and yourself for the next season. Be sure to include a team and individual plan for coping with anxiety. HAVE A GREAT SEASON!!!!!