HINDUISM World Religions
The Upanishads & the Epics The Vedic Age – the period of India’s history from 1500BC to 1000BC. During this time the many people migrated into India. At the end of the Vedic Age many great works of religious literature were written The Upanishads – written explanations of Vedic religion. Bhagavad Gita – stresses the idea of proper conduct based on a person’s status in the class system.
Caste System Rulers and warriors Brahmins, priests, and scholars Merchants, traders and farmers Peasants and field workers Untouchables – only allowed to perform jobs considered unclean – skinning animals, etc.
Religions Two religions developed – Hinduism Buddhism
Hinduism Developed through the Brahmin priest’s explanations of the Vedas. Believe that a divine essence called Brahman fills everything in the world. People have an individual essence called Atman. Brahman and Atman are one and the same. Reflects the belief that all things in the universe are of the same essence as God.
Hinduism Believe that the world is an illusion called maya. If people accept the illusion then they cannot be saved. People gain salvation only if learn to reject maya. Not easy to do. Believe it can take many lifetimes to reject maya. Because it can take many lifetimes to reject maya, souls must be reborn over and over. This is called reincarnation – the belief that the soul does not die, but can be reborn in the body of another human or animal.
Hinduism Two important principles of Hinduism Dharma – doing your moral duty in life so that your soul can advance to the next life. Karma – the good or bad force created by a person’s actions. People who fulfill their dharma get good karma and are born into a higher social group in the next life. People who do not fulfill their dharma will get bad karma and will be born into a lower social group in the next life. In time, souls who grow spiritually can reach nirvana- perfect peace. Life is complete at this point & the soul reunites with the Braham.
Hindu Gods Hindu gods can be represented by several figures. Brahma the Creator Vishnu the Preserver Siva the Destroyer Other gods are represented in the spirits of trees, animals, or people.
Hindu Religious Practices Yoga – mental and physical exercises that bring the body and soul together. Festivals – combine religious ceremonies, rituals, music, dancing, eating, and drinking. Cows are seen as sacred. Protected by law. Cannot be killed.
Hinduism Buddhism Not founded by a specific person The Vedas are the most important religious texts Believe people have a soul – Atman Believe that a person’s soul is reborn into different social classes based on dharma from the previous life. Nirvana is the goal & is achieved by growing spiritually in each reincarnation. Founded by Buddha Do not believe in the Vedas or any religious text. Enlightenment is the goal People do not have souls Believe that life is suffering & suffering can only be ended by removing desire. Comparing Hinduism & Buddhism
SIMILARITIES Originated in India Both believe that the world is an illusion. Both believe in karma. Non-violent Compassion important