Method Engineering Floris Brouwer ( )
Rule-Based Maintenance of Post- Requirements Traceability Relations P. Mäder, O. Gotel, I. Philippow (2008) Approach to maintain traceability relations in the face of evolutionary change.
Contents Authors Method overview Example Related Literature Process-Deliverable Diagram
Authors P. Mäder Specialization in software engineering and development of embedded systems. O. Gotel System requirements engineering. Ph.D on the topic of traceability. I. Philippow Working on tool supported software reuse and traceability concepts for the last decade.
Method Overview (1/2) Method for automatically updating of traceability relationships in UML models. Rule-based Executed by a system Consists of 3 main steps: 1.Capturing change events 2.Recognizing development activities 3.Maintaining traceability relations
Method overview (2/2) Capturing change events There are 4 elementary change events ADD (adding a new element), DEL (deleting an element) preMOD (property of an element before modification), postMOD (property after modification) Recognizing development activities Change event is put in a cache (the EventCache). The change event consists of several events that describe the change, these events are stored in a rulebase (OpenRules). According to a set of predefined rules (the RuleCatalog) a trigger event is matched to the change event. Maintaining traceability relations
Example Description: A PC configurator (system) is edited to give the capability to select a type of graphics card for a PC build. The old situation was just a yes/no situation.
Related Literature Origin of the paper Customization of traceability links in UP Mäder, P., Philippow, I., & Riebisch, M. (2007). Customizing traceability links for the unified process. Software Architectures, Components, and Applications, Subsequent research More elaborated paper on the proposed prototype from the paper (traceMaintainer) Mäder, P., Gotel, O., Kuschke, T., & Philippow, I. (2008). traceMaintainer-Automated Traceability Maintenance. International Requirements Engineering, RE'08. 16th IEEE, Architectural overview from the same prototype. Mäder, P., Gotel, O., & Philippow, I. (2009). Semi-automated traceability maintenance: An architectural overview of traceMAINTAINER. Software Engineering-Companion Volume, ICSE-Companion st International Conference on,
Process-Deliverable Diagram