Eastern Philosophy Thoughts that guided early eastern society
Confucius: The Analects ( BCE) Confucius was a thinker, political figure, educator. His teachings form the foundation of much of Chinese views on the education and the ideal man. He also discussed how such an individual should live his live and interact with others, and the forms of society and government in which he should participate.
Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching 6 th to 4 th Century BC Lao Tzu means Old Master Tao Te Ching means "The Law of Virtue and Its Way". Lao Tzu's work, Tao Te Ching, was a testament to his rationalism and beliefs. The work later led to the creation of both the philosophical Taoism and religious taoism.
Sun Tzu- The Art of Warfare Chinese military general who lived from 544 BC to 496 BC. One of the most famous principles presented in The Art of War is "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." The Sun Tzus The Art of War is very popular worldwide and many famous military officials and politicians have referenced it. The principals and ideas presented in The Art of War have been used in almost any aspect of the modern world - business, politics, sports, and diplomacy.
Legalism The law code must be clearly written and made public Special tactics and "secrets" are to be employed by the ruler to make sure others don't take over control of the state. It is the position of the ruler, not the ruler himself or herself, that holds the power.