Beginnings Evolved over centuries Evolved over centuries Polytheistic Polytheistic Deity - god Deity - god Brahman – universal spirit Brahman – universal spirit
People began to ask… Why are some people born into a life or ease while others are born into a life of poverty? Why are some people born into a life or ease while others are born into a life of poverty? What happens to people when they die? What happens to people when they die? How should we live our lives before we die? How should we live our lives before we die?
Hinduism Main religion of India today Main religion of India today Share certain beliefs, values, or traditions Share certain beliefs, values, or traditions Beliefs and celebrations may vary based on region Beliefs and celebrations may vary based on region 837 million Hindus - worldwide 837 million Hindus - worldwide
Hinduism - Beliefs Search for truth Search for truth Most believe gods help to achieve goals Most believe gods help to achieve goals Same gods as family or caste Same gods as family or caste
Polytheism Belief in more than one god Belief in more than one god Gods are incarnate of Brahman Gods are incarnate of Brahman Believe everything in the world is part of Brahman Believe everything in the world is part of Brahman
Atman Soul Soul Holds person’s personality Holds person’s personality
Goal of Christians To become “free” of sin and be united with God
Hindu Goal Unite the soul with Brahman Unite the soul with Brahman Soul will eventually join Brahman because the world is viewed as an illusion (maya) Soul will eventually join Brahman because the world is viewed as an illusion (maya) Must see through the illusion Must see through the illusion Brahman is the only reality Brahman is the only reality
3 Ways to achieve goal… Devotion Devotion Wisdom Wisdom Right Actions Right Actions
Reincarnation Hard to see through illusion Hard to see through illusion Takes several lifetimes Takes several lifetimes The belief in the rebirth of the soul into another body The belief in the rebirth of the soul into another body Form of body depends on …. Form of body depends on ….
Karma The sum/effects that good and bad actions have on a person’s soul The sum/effects that good and bad actions have on a person’s soul Evil/bad actions = bad karma = reborn in lower caste or life form Evil/bad actions = bad karma = reborn in lower caste or life form
Got up late Got up late Did not make bed Did not make bed Gripped about breakfast Gripped about breakfast Sassy to mom Sassy to mom Did not do history homework Did not do history homework Helped student pick up books Helped student pick up books Tripped student walking by Tripped student walking by Late to class Late to class Offered to help pass out papers Offered to help pass out papers+1+1-5
Karma Good karma brings salvation Good karma brings salvation Affects present and future lives Affects present and future lives
Dharma Spiritual duties/laws that each person should fulfill Spiritual duties/laws that each person should fulfill Led to preservation of the caste system Led to preservation of the caste system It required and taught accepting one’s place in life It required and taught accepting one’s place in life
Ahimsa Belief in nonviolence Belief in nonviolence Many did not kill living things Many did not kill living things
Moksha Salvation; liberation Salvation; liberation Freedom from life’s worries and cycle of rebirth Freedom from life’s worries and cycle of rebirth
3 Main Gods Brahma – Creator Brahma – Creator Vishnu – Preserver Vishnu – Preserver Shiva – Destroyer Shiva – Destroyer
Brahma The Creator The Creator Vehicle: swan Vehicle: swan has 4 heads, 4 arms, and a reddish complexion has 4 heads, 4 arms, and a reddish complexion not commonly worshipped not commonly worshipped not to be confused with Brahman (the ground of all being) or the Brahmin (priestly caste) not to be confused with Brahman (the ground of all being) or the Brahmin (priestly caste)
Vishnu The Preserver The Preserver Vehicle: garuda (bird) Vehicle: garuda (bird) has 4 arms, a blueish complexion, and rests on a snake has 4 arms, a blueish complexion, and rests on a snake was incarnated (born as an animal or human) nine times with one more still to come was incarnated (born as an animal or human) nine times with one more still to come
Avatar God who descends to earth God who descends to earth Incarnation of a deity who comes to earth in human or animal form Incarnation of a deity who comes to earth in human or animal form
Anti-clockwise from left top corner: Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parshurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Kalki surround Vishnu
Shiva Shiva Shiva The Destroyer / Transformer The Destroyer / Transformer Vehicle: bull Vehicle: bull has matted hair, a third eye, a blue throat and a trident in his hand has matted hair, a third eye, a blue throat and a trident in his hand
Saraswati Goddess of knowledge, music, and the arts Goddess of knowledge, music, and the arts Vehicle: swan Vehicle: swan wife of Brahma wife of Brahma sits on a white lotus playing a veena sits on a white lotus playing a veena
Parvati The Divine Mother The Divine Mother Vehicle: lion Vehicle: lion the reincarnation of Shiva's first wife the reincarnation of Shiva's first wife has many forms, such as the popular Durga and Kali; often shown together with Saraswati and Lakshmi as the tridevi ('triple goddess') has many forms, such as the popular Durga and Kali; often shown together with Saraswati and Lakshmi as the tridevi ('triple goddess')
Ganesh God of the intellect and the remover of obstacles God of the intellect and the remover of obstacles Vehicle: mouse Vehicle: mouse son of Shiva & Parvati son of Shiva & Parvati has an elephant's head has an elephant's head
Murugan God of war God of war Vehicle: peacock Vehicle: peacock son of Shiva & Parvati son of Shiva & Parvati also known as Skanda also known as Skanda
Durga A fiercer form of Parvati A fiercer form of Parvati Vehicle: tiger Vehicle: tiger has ten arms holding many weapons has ten arms holding many weapons
Kali Goddess of time and death Goddess of time and death Vehicle: donkey Vehicle: donkey usually portrayed as dark and violent usually portrayed as dark and violent
Rama Rama Rama The 7th avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu The 7th avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu the central figure in the epic story Ramayana the central figure in the epic story Ramayana
Krishna Krishna Krishna The 8th avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu The 8th avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu usually portrayed as a child and a prankster; often shown playing the flute usually portrayed as a child and a prankster; often shown playing the flute
Hanuman an ape-like god known for assisting Rama an ape-like god known for assisting Rama Worshipped as a symbol of physical strength, perseverance and devotion Worshipped as a symbol of physical strength, perseverance and devotion
Surya God of the Sun God of the Sun pulled on a chariot by horses pulled on a chariot by horses
Diw(v)ali Oct. / Nov. – lunar calendar Oct. / Nov. – lunar calendar Festival of lights – light the path for Lakshmi Festival of lights – light the path for Lakshmi 4 th day – visit friends/family; exchange gifts 4 th day – visit friends/family; exchange gifts
Not all followed Hinduism… Many looked to new religious ideas!