An Anthropological Approach to Heart Arash Rastegar Sharif University of Technology Arash Rastegar Sharif University of Technology
Confucius Layers of existence Tao Essence: truth Spirit: Knowledge Heart: Faith Soul: Educate Body: Action Heart communicates with personal soul, spirit and also other spirits. Tao Essence: truth Spirit: Knowledge Heart: Faith Soul: Educate Body: Action Heart communicates with personal soul, spirit and also other spirits. Human is alone Common Immortal Communication with spirits Outward communication Heart is the realm of faith and purification. Common Immortal Communication with spirits Outward communication Heart is the realm of faith and purification.
Buda Layers of existence Krishna Brahman Atman Self Body Krishna Brahman Atman Self Body Everything is a human Truth Annihilation-transpersonal Social spirit Social self Personal Self is everywhere. No one is in the center. There is no center. There is no heart. Truth Annihilation-transpersonal Social spirit Social self Personal Self is everywhere. No one is in the center. There is no center. There is no heart.
Zartosht Layers of existence Ahouramazda Divine wisdom Social soul Personal soul Body Human Layers Wisdom Soul Body Ahouramazda Divine wisdom Social soul Personal soul Body Human Layers Wisdom Soul Body Human parallel to universe Eternal First creation Soul of creation Perfect Human: Zoroastria Perfect human is the heart and center of universe. Universe Layers: By Superposition Wisdom Soul Body Eternal First creation Soul of creation Perfect Human: Zoroastria Perfect human is the heart and center of universe. Universe Layers: By Superposition Wisdom Soul Body
Pythagoras Layers of existence Spirit Soul Body Mortal heart communicates with mortal hearts. Human Spirit Soul Body Spirit Soul Body Mortal heart communicates with mortal hearts. Human Spirit Soul Body Human is divine Immortal Feelings Material: Atomism-Monad Heart is the mortal inner realm of feelings and thought. God Universal spirit Soul: Math. thoughts Body: Creation Immortal Feelings Material: Atomism-Monad Heart is the mortal inner realm of feelings and thought. God Universal spirit Soul: Math. thoughts Body: Creation
Plato Layers of existence Wisdom: immortal Spirit or Soul Body Imaginary heart communicates with other imaginary hearts. Human communication: in all layers Wisdom: immortal Spirit or Soul Body Imaginary heart communicates with other imaginary hearts. Human communication: in all layers Human-Universe isomorphic Global Wisdom Spirit or Soul: universal Body Heart is the imaginary inner realm of feelings. Communication with human: in all layers Global Wisdom Spirit or Soul: universal Body Heart is the imaginary inner realm of feelings. Communication with human: in all layers
Aristotle Human layers of existence Soul Human soul Animal soul Vegetal soul Spirit Body Heart is based on spirit Soul Human soul Animal soul Vegetal soul Spirit Body Heart is based on spirit Universal layers of existence God Initial wisdom Nature: realm of communication Heart is the human soul. God Initial wisdom Nature: realm of communication Heart is the human soul.
Kendi Human layers of existence Soul or spirit: Realm of communication Wisdom-Mind-Feeling Body Hearts communicate through the heart of universe Soul or spirit: Realm of communication Wisdom-Mind-Feeling Body Hearts communicate through the heart of universe Universal layers of existence Wisdom Soul or spirit Nature The soul of universe is heart of the universe. Wisdom Soul or spirit Nature The soul of universe is heart of the universe.
Farabi Human layers of existence Soul or spirit: Realm of communication Classification of forces Body Soul or spirit: Realm of communication Classification of forces Body Universal layers of existence Wisdom 11 layers of existence Soul or spirit Universal wisdom communicates us through heart Nature Wisdom 11 layers of existence Soul or spirit Universal wisdom communicates us through heart Nature
Avicenna Human layers of existence Wisdom 11 layers of existence Soul or spirit: Human soul Classification of powers Animal soul Classification of powers Vegetal soul Classification of powers Body Wisdom 11 layers of existence Soul or spirit: Human soul Classification of powers Animal soul Classification of powers Vegetal soul Classification of powers Body Universal layers of existence Wisdom 11 layers of existence Universal Soul or spirit Human wisdom communicates us through heart Nature Wisdom 11 layers of existence Universal Soul or spirit Human wisdom communicates us through heart Nature
Ibn-Heitham Human layers of existence Soul Human soul Animal soul Vegetal soul Spirit Body Human is part of nature Soul Human soul Animal soul Vegetal soul Spirit Body Human is part of nature Universal layers of existence Nature: Independent of Human There is no inner heart Nature: Independent of Human There is no inner heart
Ghazzali Human layers of existence Essence, wisdom, spirit, heart, soul Body Human is image of God Essence, wisdom, spirit, heart, soul Body Human is image of God Universal layers of existence Wisdom Soul or spirit Nature جبروت ملکوت ملک Heart is image of throne Wisdom Soul or spirit Nature جبروت ملکوت ملک Heart is image of throne
Ibn-Roshd Human layers of existence Soul Human soul Animal soul Vegetal soul Spirit Body Heart is the realm of take up of human spirit. Soul Human soul Animal soul Vegetal soul Spirit Body Heart is the realm of take up of human spirit. Universal layers of existence God Initial Wisdom Nature: realm of communication God Initial Wisdom Nature: realm of communication
Sohrevardi Human layers of existence Light many layers of existence Soul or spirit light or darkness Avicenna’s classification Towards light Body Light many layers of existence Soul or spirit light or darkness Avicenna’s classification Towards light Body Universal layers of existence Light many layers of existence Universal Soul or spirit also light Towards darkness Heart is a mirror of light Darkness Light many layers of existence Universal Soul or spirit also light Towards darkness Heart is a mirror of light Darkness
Ibn-Arabi Human layers of existence Light many layers of existence Heart is the gallery of names Human is a mirror of God’s names Light many layers of existence Heart is the gallery of names Human is a mirror of God’s names Universal layers of existence Light many layers of existence Human is the spirit of universe Light many layers of existence Human is the spirit of universe
Nasireddin Toosi Human layers of existence Wisdom Soul or spirit: Essence or personality Human soul Classification of powers Animal soul Classification of powers Vegetal soul Classification of powers Body Universal layers of existence Wisdom Soul Heart is the same as throne Nature
Molla-Sadra Human layers of existence many layers of existence Wisdom Soul Body many layers of existence Wisdom Soul Body Universal layers of existence many layers of existence Wisdom Soul Body Heart is a layer of existence. many layers of existence Wisdom Soul Body Heart is a layer of existence.
Saint Agustine Human layers of existence Essence, wisdom, spirit, heart, soul: Global concepts Body :Feeling Human could incarnate through history Essence, wisdom, spirit, heart, soul: Global concepts Body :Feeling Human could incarnate through history Universal layers of existence Wisdom Soul or spirit Nature Human is heart of history Wisdom Soul or spirit Nature Human is heart of history
Saint Thomas Aquinas Human layers of existence Soul Human soul Animal soul Vegetal soul Spirit Body Humanity is incarnation of Christ in history Soul Human soul Animal soul Vegetal soul Spirit Body Humanity is incarnation of Christ in history Universal layers of existence God Initial Wisdom Nature Christ is heart of humanity God Initial Wisdom Nature Christ is heart of humanity
Human layers of existence Essence Light Wisdom Spirit Heart Soul Body Essence Light Wisdom Spirit Heart Soul Body Universal layers of existence Essence Light Wisdom Spirit Heart Soul Body Essence Light Wisdom Spirit Heart Soul Body A suggested hierarchy
Hierarchy in the eyes of body Seven layers of abstraction in the brain: Layers of vision Seven layers of abstraction in the brain: Layers of vision
Hierarchy in the eyes of soul نفس اماره نفس لوامه نفس ملهمه نفس زکیه نفس مطمئنه نفس راضیه نفس مرضیه نفس اماره نفس لوامه نفس ملهمه نفس زکیه نفس مطمئنه نفس راضیه نفس مرضیه
Hierarchy in the eyes of heart عروش خمسه : عرش هویت عرش رحمان عرش عظیم عرش کریم عرش مجید عروش خمسه : عرش هویت عرش رحمان عرش عظیم عرش کریم عرش مجید حضرات خمسه : لاهوت جبروت ملکوت ناسوت کون جامع حضرات خمسه : لاهوت جبروت ملکوت ناسوت کون جامع قلوب خمسه : قلب نفسی قلب حقیقی قلب روحی قلب بین وجوب و امکان قلب احدی جمعی قلوب خمسه : قلب نفسی قلب حقیقی قلب روحی قلب بین وجوب و امکان قلب احدی جمعی
Hierarchy in the eyes of spirit جسد نفس قلب روح سر خفی اخفی جسد نفس قلب روح سر خفی اخفی
Hierarchy in the eyes of wisdom عقول عشره : متناظر با افلاک عشره عقول عشره : متناظر با افلاک عشره
Hierarchy in the eyes of light لایه های تجرید نور : مانند نور اسپهبدیه لایه های تجرید نور : مانند نور اسپهبدیه
Hierarchy in the eyes of essence هویت بیولوژیکی هویت عاطفی هویت دگرگونی هویت امری هویت شناختی هویت نورانی هویت ذاتی هویت بیولوژیکی هویت عاطفی هویت دگرگونی هویت امری هویت شناختی هویت نورانی هویت ذاتی ید الله فوق ایدیهم اصطنعتک لنفسی کان عرشه علی الماء نفخت فیه من روحی ان الله یعلم غیب السموات و الارض الله نور السموات و الارض اننی انا الله لا اله الا انا