2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt HARRAPAN SOCIETY CHINAMAPPING! AFRICAN SOCIETIES HINDUISM
Mountain range dividing Indian subcontinent from rest of Asia.
What are the Himalayas?
According to one theory, these people conquered the Harrapan; they were supposedly nomadic, chariot-using Indo Europeans.
Who were the Aryans?
This was the name of the post-Harappan civilization, wherein the Hindu faith originated.
What is Vedic India (or Vedes)?
These are four examples of Harrapan technology.
What are written language, metallurgy (bronze), cotton production, stone seals, domestication of animals, the sail?
These are the four varnas (castes) of Vedic India.
What are (1) brahmins (priests), (2) Kshatriya (kings / warriors), (3) Vaishya (merchants & craftsmen), & (4) shudra (laborers & farmers)?
This was the first historical Chinese dynasty, proven in part by archaeology and oracle bones.
Who were the Shang?
This was the dynasty or period of Chinese history that saw the general collapse of culture and civilization, as warlords fought each other for supremacy.
What was the Period of Warring States?
This Chinese dynasty created the idea of the “Mandate of Heaven” & the Dynastic Cycle.
Who were the Zhou?
This was the name of the brilliant Chinese strategist who wrote “The Art of War.”
Who was Sun Tsu?
These are five of the steps of the Chinese Dynastic Cycle, IN ORDER.
What are (1) new dynasty, (2) gov’t reform, (3) lives of commoners improved (lower taxes), (4) problems begin, (5) taxes increase / conscription, (6) gov’t corruption, (7) more problems, (8) poor join rebels, (9) strong rebel leader emerges & (10) emperor defeated?
This is the Nile River and its direction of flow (draw arrow).
What is this and this? Nile
These are the Ganges and Indus Rivers.
What are this and this? Indus Ganges
For 6 points, this is how geography benefited the Chinese and Indian civilizations.. DAILY DOUBLE!
What is isolation gave them time to develop?
These are the Huang He (Yellow) and Yangtze Rivers.
What are this and this? Huang He (Yellow) Yangtze
This is the region of origin of the Indo European people (Hittites, Aryans, etc.) – NAME & Location!
What are the Caucasus Mountains?
This was the location that rapidly turned to desert, forcing its neolithic occupants to move South and East.
What was the Sahara?
This was the name of the state that occupied the geographic area between the first and fifth cataracts.
What was Nubia?
TWO PART QUESTION: (1) This was the language group of the people who migrated from western to southern & central Africa; (2) they established this state in southern Africa around the 8 th century AD.
What is Bantu; Great Zimbabwe?
These are the two main products the West African towns traded their gold for, with the North Africans.
What were salt & iron weapons?
These are the three reasons why complex civilization did not arise in Southern Africa.
What is persistence of hunter gatherer bands, persistence of subsistence farming, and geographic considerations?
The cycle of life, death and rebirth.
What is reincarnation?
This is the name for a person’s soul.
What is the atman?
This concept reflects all the good and bad deeds done by a person through their life, determining whether one’s soul will move up or down the caste ladder upon rebirth.
What is karma?
The rules and regulations of every caste.
What is Dharma?
FILL IN THE BLANKS! If one does _______, then they Will have good ______ and will Be reincarnated into a higher ______ and eventually reach __________ and be joined with __________.
What is Dharma, Karma, Caste, Moksha, & Brahman?