Birth of the Campus Establishment of Pohnpei Campus in April 1993, previously Pohnpei Continuing Education Office Came on board as Director in December 1993
CHALLENGES Identity Search - Location (2 campuses on the same island) - Program Offerings (duplication)
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Land Lease negotiation with PSG (25-yr lease 1998) Strengthen Manpower training through continuing education (PCTI—GED, Customer Service for FSM Telecom, Computer applications, Intro to Criminal Justice for PSG; Journalism, etc.) Hospitality & Tourism Programs based on FSM Second Economic Summit (Tour Guide Training, Hotel & Restaurant Management 1997) Apprenticeship Training for PUC (previous trainer: PMA) HATP for Pohnpei State Hospital Trial Counselors for FSM Supreme Court
CHALLENGES No funding, or Inadequate funding for new programs
ACCOMPLISHMENTS PCTI or continuing education, Sustainability of program through revolving fund from earnings HTM, facility was a problem for program quality (Japanese Government grant to fund a Teaching Kitchen $40,000) Apprenticeship Training, collaboration with PUC and funding from them (1999). HATP (Collaboration with Pohnpei State Hospital—instructors, hospital ward facilities) Trial Counselors (Lawyers volunteered to teach.)
PCTI … FSM Gov’t MS Access Training Kids summer computer class on site visit to FSMTC Custodian and Security Computer Training
HTM… HTM Training Cafe
HTM Kitchen
CHALLENGES Search for identity continued Role of State Campus serving the state needs Major needs were: manpower training to replace imported foreign workers Private Sector Development
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Vocational Programs (certificate programs beginning with carpentry, based on the high number of foreign workers brought to Pohnpei at that time’) Currently offers 9 certificate programs: CarpentryMotor Vehicle Furniture MakingSmall Engine Repair Construction ElectricityElectronics Building MaintenanceCareer Education Refrigeration/Air Conditioning Repair
CHALLENGES Funding for vocational programs (no additional funding from the college –budget based on enrollment projection in the same way as an academic program) Need for technical assistance Lack of facility ( Vocational shops) Need for inputs from Stakeholders to ensure program quality & employment for graduates.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS OMIP matching Grants --$121,000 in 1999; $145,000 in 2001; $100,000 in 2003; $100,000 in 2005; $100,000 in 2007) The grants have supported the programs to be of quality with qualified instructional staff, supplies, materials, as well as facilities. For Technical Assistance (Jack Duffy 1998, mentoring scheme 2000, Australian volunteers ) The Advisory Council for the campus offered program input and guidance of stakeholders.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Program Expansion –AAS Degrees in Building Technology, Electronics Technology, & Telecommunication Technology—2002 Success of Mentoring Scheme ( Local T&T Division Chair and local Vocational & Apprenticeship Coordinator at the National Campus) T & T annual exhibit (2007, 2008) STW grant used for course alignment with PICS vocational programs. PSBDC (MOU with PSG signed 2005, planning and negotiation since 2000.)
CURRENT/ON-GOING CHALLENGES Recruitment & Retention: – Image Problem (State Campus vs National Campus; Academic vs Vocational Programs) – Under-prepared students (Closing of PATS, HS policy of placing of vocational track students) – Job market (Inadequate. Working on cooperative development.) – Out migration
SUMMARY Mission: To assist Pohnpei State and the nation in manpower development Hospitality & Tourism (2 nd Economic Summit) Technical & Trade (to reduce, if not to replace, foreign contractors) Short-term training (PCTI- manpower development, community-based courses) Development of the Private Sector (PSBDC) Education & Health (teacher training, HATP and future nursing program )
SUMMARY(cont.) Cooperative Extension Services (CES) Collaboration with PNI State Agriculture since Worked on better collaboration with PNI State DOE through monthly partnership meeting (2004 to 2007) to ensure smooth operation of our outreach programs such as ETSP, UBP and STW project.
SUMMARY (cont.) Our efforts to improve the quality of students coming into the College is on going. The curriculum of the vocational courses at PICS through STW project funding is still in use. Two proposals submitted to PNI state to (1) expand the collaborative efforts achieved through the STW funding, and (2) to bridge the high school program with the college programs through six-week intensive summer programs. The outcome of both will be better prepared students in our programs at the college.
CONCLUSION #1 Pohnpei Campus Current enrollment is between 500 to 600 students, the majority of the students need development classes. Would like to see collaborate efforts with Pohnpei State DOE to bridge the gap between high school and college so our Technical & Trade Division can offer programs that help students to succeed in the job market, either working for someone or being an entrepreneur. We also work on supporting our students who wish to be a journeyman through the apprenticeship program, or those who want to enroll in a four-year college in technical & trade field.
CONCLUSION #2 We standby to collaborate with Pohnpei State when the need arises: – to revise curriculum as needed per job demand – to develop short-term training in technical & trade areas, in hospitality & tourism areas; and other areas needed to help Pohnpei develop its manpower.