Remember our Goals! Goals for 2011: – Raise $125,000 – Have 125 teams – Have 1,500 participants
Updates! 53 Days Left Until RELAY! We Currently Have… o 76 Teams o 415 Participants o Raised $14, o Top Team is STC ($1,705.00) o Top Participant is Julie Connatser who has raised $670
Don’t Forget our Theme: CARNIVAL! Theme: Carnivals! Tickets! This will replace the need to give q-card numbers the night of Relay. 1 ticket=$1. All things that are being sold at the event will accept cash and tickets. You can fill out the form online (via the Team Captain’s Corner) and we will have your tickets ready for the night of Relay. We will also have a ticket stand the night of Relay where we will swipe q-cards there. But to avoid long lines we encourage buy ahead of time.
Reminders: Don’t forget to… Sign up your teammates ASAP! Pay your $12 registration fee – Online – Cash – Q-cash – It bumps up to $20 after March 15 th !!!
T-Shirt Deadline In order to get a T- Shirt you must… – Pay your registration fee – Raise a $50 minimum! – All of this must be done by March 15!!!! – This is not a flexible deadline – It’s as easy as asking 5 people for $10
Kick Off March 2nd 6-7pm in the Rotunda of the Café Free Cupcakes!! Decorate your own! Turn in donations and Reg Fees! Last chance to personally hand in money before the T-shirt Deadline (March 15) Stop by just to get a cupcake and meet the Planning Committee!
Fundraising ALL Teams should plan to have a fundraiser the night of Relay (Make Bracelets, sell ribbons, sell baked goods) to reserve a table and a time. All proceeds go towards your team’s total. Give them ideas! Consider a fundraiser in the residence halls. Talk to your RA! Do a fundraiser in the Student Center! We have tables reserved, just us!
Continue Fundraising Use Facebook to Contact Friends and Family - Send them the link to our Relay website Send out s!!! – The worst that can happen is they don’t reply or they say no Make a Personal or Team Donation – Kickoff your own fundraising efforts by making a donation to yourself or to your team. Sometimes it just takes one person to start the ball rolling. Encourage your team members to follow your lead.
Fundraising Incentives!
Luminaria What is the Luminaria Ceremony? Buy Luminaria bags tonight for $5.00 Bring them home and decorate them!
Volunteering at Relay Want to help us out the night of the event? – 30 minute to 1 hour shifts Serving food Helping set up Luminaria Bags Helping with fundraisers and games We need all the help we can get! – – Or, when you signed in tonight, check off “Yes”
Night of Relay Games! We will be having basketball and dodge ball tournaments during Relay. Sign up your team to play! $5 per team to play basketball $5 per team to play dodgeball. We don’t know the times that these games will be happening just yet If you want to sign up, with the name of your team.
Organizational Cup Rules: 1) Sign up your organization at (Please make sure you include your Org name or initials in your team name for us to keep track!) 2) Each member on the team must pay their $12 registration fee by March 15 th 3) Each member must raise the minimum of $50 by March 15 th (T-shirt deadline) 4) Your Organization must hold one fundraiser prior to Relay for Life, with proceeds going towards your team 5) Your Organization must hold one fundraiser the night of Relay for Life 6) Your team must raise an average of $100 per person *You must once your fundraisers have been planned to receive credit. The team meeting these requirements, and that raises the most money will be declared…ORGANIZATIONAL CHAMPIONS 2011 Winners will be announced at closing ceremonies & will receive a trophy!
Being a Team Captain Continue getting people to join your team Keep collecting registration fees & donations and KEEP TRACK OF PAYMENTS! – Hand them in at meetings Make sure everyone is fundraising! Keep your team excited! Keep your team updated! Attend team captain’s meetings o March21 Keep receipts from donations you hand in
“Like us” on Facebook! Relay for Life of Quinnipiac University 2011 Get all the updated news!
Make Use of Our Website Fundraising ideas Fundraising ideas templates templates Updates on information Updates on information FAQ’s FAQ’s
Tonight! Pay registration fee in cash, check, or QCASH Buy Luminaria Bags – $5 each at the tables in the lobby Any questions? – – Come talk to us after the meeting
Thanks for coming out tonight!