Iron is a mineral that's necessary for life. Iron plays a key role in the making of red blood cells, which carry oxygen. You can get iron from food and from supplements. If you don't have enough iron, you may develop anemia, a low level of red blood cells.
Natural Substances are those which are prepared from herbs and minerals, not from chemical or synthetic sources. A natural product is a chemical compound or substance produced by a living organism – found in nature. In the broadest sense, natural products include any substance produced by life. The term natural product has also been extended for commercial purposes to refer to cosmetics, dietary supplements, and foods produced from natural sources without added artificial ingredients.chemical compound
IronIron is needed for a number of highly complex processes that continuously take place on a molecular level and that are indispensable to human life, e.g. the transportation of oxygen around your body! Iron is required for the production of red blood cells (a process known as hematopoiesis), but it's also part of hemoglobin (that is the pigment of the red blood cells) binding to the oxygen and thus facilitating its transport from the lungs via the arteries to all cells throughout the body.
Since our bodies can’t produce iron itself, we need to make sure we consume sufficient amounts of iron as part of our daily diet.daily diet Spatone, natural liquid iron supplement can provide your body’s daily absorbed iron needs whilst being extra gentle on the stomach.Spatonenatural The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of iron is 14mg however this takes into account that the average person is unable to absorb most of the iron from food sources. An adult woman needs to absorb between 1.5-2mg of iron per day. This increases to 3-6mg during the last trimester of pregnancy.
This is particularly true for women, pregnant women, children, teenagers and endurance athletes who are well-known to have an increased need for iron. Among plant foods, legumes and leafy green vegetables are consistently among our best sources. Several spices are surprisingly strong sources of iron. Whole grains can also be good contributors to iron nutrition.
Your iron levels may be effectively addressed, but the iron you can't absorb is excreted and that's what causes the unpleasant side effects that many people experience such as: Constipation stomach upsets headaches
Absorption of iron is generally increased if the consumption of tea and coffee is avoided. Vitamin C (e.g. a glass of orange juice) is considered to help the absorption of iron. Well known iron inhibitors include tannins found in tea, coffee and red wine or bran found in wheat, oats, maize and cereals.