By Bryce Rose
1. Football 2. Baseball 3. Basketball 4. Soccer 5. Tennis 6. Cricket` 7. Lacrosse 8. Volleyball 9. Skiing 10. Snowboarding 11. Hockey 12. Golf 13. Gymnastics 14. wrestling
Wrestling is arguably the worlds earliest know sport Wrestling has been a popular sport throughout recorded history. The origins of wrestling can be traced back 15,000 years through depictions in cave drawings in France. Early Egyptian and Babylonian relief's depict wrestlers using most of the holds known to the present- day sport
Football Derived from the English game of rugby, American football was started in 1879 with rules instituted by Walter Camp, player and coach at Yale University. Baseball While the exact origins of baseball are unknown, most historians agree that it is based on the English game of rounder. A game which began to become quite popular in this country in the early 19th century, and many sources report the growing popularity of a game called "townball", "base", or "baseball". Lacrosse Lacrosse was one of many varieties of indigenous stickball games being played by American Indians at the time of European contact. Almost exclusively a male team sport, it is distinguished from the others, such as field hockey or shinny, by the use of a netted racquet with which to pick the ball off the ground, throw, catch and convey it into or past a goal to score a point. The cardinal rule in all varieties of lacrosse was that the ball, with few exceptions, must not be touched with the hands Basketball Basketball was invented in December 1891 by the Canadian clergyman, educator, and physician James Naismith. Naismith introduced the game when we was an instructor at the Young Men's Christian Association Training School (now Springfield College) in Springfield, Massachusetts. At the request of his superior, Dr. Luther H. Gulick, he organized a vigorous recreation suitable for indoor winter play. The game involved elements of American football, soccer, and hockey, and the first ball used was a soccer ball. Teams had nine players, and the goals were wooden peach baskets affixed to the walls. By , teams of five became standard. The game rapidly spread nationwide and to Canada and other parts of the world, played by both women and men; it also became a popular informal outdoor game. U.S. servicemen in World War II ( ) popularized the sport in many other countries
Soccer is the most popular sport in the world One of the earliest forms of soccer in which players kicked a ball around on a small field has been traced as far back to 1004 B.C. in Japan The Romans played a game that somewhat resembled modern soccer. The early Olympic games in Rome featured twenty-seven men on a side who completed so vigorously that two-thirds of them had to be hospitalized after a fifty-minute game Soccer was originally banned in England by King Edward but it was England that would spread the popularity of the sort across the world Soccer is now the worlds biggest sport in the world it is more popular than football, baseball, and basketball combined
Improved cardiovascular health Helps to strengthen bones Teaches children discipline and how to work in teams Helps to promote an active lifestyle