Malcolm X: The Civil Rights Movement -Malcolm Little was born in 1925 in Omaha.Omaha -His father was a Baptist speaker and his mother was from mixed decent. -This was an interesting component in Malcolm's upbringing. -Because he was the lightest skinned child of the family he felt that he was favored by his father, but treat harshly by his mother for the same reason.
Malcolm X: Youth -In 1931 he moved with his family to Lansing, Michigan. His father was run over by a streetcar and his death was ruled a suicide. However, it is mainly believed that he was murdered by a white supremacist group called the Black Legion. -This is widely believed because Earl Little's head was bashed in before he was run over.
Malcolm X:Young Adult -Malcolm and his siblings were forced to live in foster care after his mother was institutionalized in Malcolm graduated Jr. High at the top of his class, but later dropped out of school after a teacher told him that his goals of being a lawyer were ' no realistic goal for a nigger.'
Malcolm X: Young Adult -In 1946, Malcolm was sentenced to 8 years in prison for a number of crimes. Malcolm had turned to a life of crime after the breakdown of his home life. -During his prison stay, Malcolm became self- educated and started to turn towards the Nation of Islam and was highly influenced by the groups leader Elijah Muhammad.
Malcolm X: Adult Years - Malcolm X was released from prison in 1952, and began his career as a minister for the Nation of Islam. He served under Elijah Muhammad. -Malcolm changed his surname to X in order to symbolize his rejection of his slavery roots. -He proved to be an intriguing individual and started to gain public attention. -In 1964, Malcolm separated from the Nation of Islam because of growing problems between him and Elijah Muhammad.
Malcolm X: Adult Years and Death -In 1965 during a speech at the Audubon Ballroom Malcolm was shot 16 times and killed. Three men were charged with the assassination. All were members of the NOI. -Two of the three men were paroled by 1987 and continue to serve the NOI.
Malcolm X: Photo Gallery