Welcome to Retail Training Class 11 1
What we will learn today Handling customers Creating customer delight How to manage complaints How to handle angry and rude customers 2
What is your role as an RSA? Choose from the following: Helping people to buy? Making customers feel great about being in the store? Making customers feel like coming back to the store again and again? Making customers so happy that they praise the store to all their friends? 3
What is your role as an RSA? Your role as an RSA is to do ALL these things Helping people to buy Making customers feel great about being in the store Making customers feel like coming back to the store again and again Making customers so happy that they praise the store to all their friends 4
What is your role as an RSA? Your role is to CREATE CUSTOMER DELIGHT !!!! 5
What is customer delight? For the customer A feeling that he/she is a special customer, or a valued customer of the store High quality of service High satisfaction with the store Wanting to come back again 6
What is customer delight? Customer quotes When I said the sandwich was salty, it was replaced at once, without any questions. Great service, please keep it up! The boy at the counter helped us very politely and with lots of patience. Even though my daughter was crying loudly It was great to deal with him. 7 Sales associates at your store always have a smile, are very respectful and helpful. My wife and I are really enjoy coming to your store!
What is customer delight? For the store Always put the customer first Every employee is responsible for customer satisfaction 8
Why is customer delight important? 1. Happy customers are loyal customers Loyal customers come back again and again Loyal customers recommend you and your store to their friends 9
Why is customer delight important? 1. Happy customers are loyal customers Example : Deepak comes to Dominos every week to have a pizza. He spends around Rs. 250 every week In a month, he spends it is Rs 250 x 4 = Rs 1000 In a year, he would spend Rs. 1000X12 = Rs In 5 years, he would spend Rs.12,000X 5 = Rs. 60,000 10
Why is customer delight important? 2. Happy customers bring friends and relatives to the store Happy customers bring back their family and friends This increases the number of new customers for the store It also increases the sales revenue of the store 11
Why is customer delight important? 3. It makes us better than competition There are many stores which sell the same products Dominoes and Pizza Hut both sell pizzas Croma and Vijay Sales both sell electronic products What makes a store better, is the customer service and the experience of the customer 12
Why is customer delight important? 3. It makes us better than competition Customer service makes the difference. Even if the store has the best products, the customer will not return to the store if the service is bad If the product was not so god but the service was excellent, the customer will still come back to the store and give it one more chance. 13
What is customer delight? Summary As a RSA, your job is to create customer delight We create customer delight when customers are extremely happy with our products and services and feel valued by the store Customer delight is important to a store because: Happy customers are loyal, and come back again to shop Happy customers also bring in new customers (friends and relatives) It gives us an advantage over competition 14
What stores do to create customer delight Some things that stores do to create customer delight Take back products with ‘no questions asked’ and give a full refund Wish customers on birthday, anniversary etc. Call or write to thank customers for buying Take care of repairs, alterations and service at no extra charge Do surveys to check if customers are happy and take action based on findings 15
What RSAs can do to create customer delight It is not just ‘doing your job’ Doing your job is basic and compulsory Customer delight is created when you do a little extra If you help the customer under special or difficult conditions, you create customer delight 16
What RSAs can do to create customer delight Examples Mr. Varma, a senior citizen, came to the store with many bags, when he was leaving the RSA offered to carry his bags to the door and find him a rickshaw to go back home Ankita used to go to CCD everyday for a coffee. Then for one month she didn’t go. When she came back to CCD the girl at the counter simply said “we missed you, your today’s coffee is on us. Welcome back”. When Mrs Anand was paying with her credit card, you notice it is her birthday today. You ask your supervisor if you can give her a small gift of a flower, or a 5% off voucher or gift card to make her feel special. Or you simply surprise her by wishing her genuinely. 17
How can you create customer delight 1. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes See things from their point of view Understand them and their needs 18
How can you create customer delight 1. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes – an example Anjali’s uncle told her to meet him at the CCD at sion at 4pm. Anjali reached on time but her Uncle was not there. After waiting for 10 mins Anjali became conscious of herself in the coffee shop, that she was sitting alone She called her Uncle who said he would reach 30min late. The RSA 19
How can you create customer delight 2. Think on the spot! Sometimes, you will need to help a customer on the spot. Think and see quickly what you can do at that moment 20
How can you create customer delight 2. Think on the spot – an example A family has come into Cafe Coffee Day. They are celebrating the birthday of their daughter You bring across their order with a candle and a Happy Birthday card on the plate. 21
How can you create customer delight 3. Do your job + a little more Go beyond the job to do even small things that help a customer It can make a big difference! 22
How you can create customer delight 4. The customer is always right 23 Rule No. 1 Rule No. 2 : If the customer is wrong, refer to Rule No.1
How can you create customer delight 4. The customer is always right Customers are the reason that we are in business If there are no customers we would not have jobs! So we need to value and treat our customers well – very well 24
How can you create customer delight 5. Be patient, genuine and helpful Even if the customer has made you open and show many products and then decides not to buy. If you keep your patience, give respect and continue to be helpful, even the most difficult customer will give you respect in return. 25
How can you create customer delight 6. Learn from the customer’s suggestions and complaints Always ask the customer for ‘feedback’ (suggestions to improve or change) Listen, understand and report it to seniors 26
How to create customer delight Summary Stores take certain steps to create customer delight; Take back products for full refund Call or write to thank customers, or say sorry if they faced problems Wish customers on birthday, anniversary etc. Do repair or service of products at no extra charge As an RSA, you are also responsible to create customer delight. Customer delight is not just doing your job, it is going beyond your job in special or difficult conditions to help the customer 27
How to create customer delight Summary You can create customer delight by; Putting yourself in the customer’s shoes Thinking quickly to see the best you can do to help the customer Doing your job + a little extra Remember the customer is always right Taking customer suggestions for improvement 28