Unity Game Engine By Cortland Boudreau
Cross Platform Game Engine (21 Platforms) What is Unity? Cross Platform Game Engine (21 Platforms) Publish 2D or 3D games or even Applications Personal Free Edition or Paid Professional edition Written using C, C++, C#, JavaScript
Platforms IOS \ Android \ Windows Phone 8 \ BlackBerry 10 Ps3 \ Ps4 \ Ps Vita XboxOne \ Xbox360 Wii U Windows \ MAC \ Linux \ Steam OS Oculus Rift \ Gear VR Web Player (Browsers) \ Samsung SmartTV
Action-adventure , Survival City-Building, Management Simulation What kinds of Games can I make? Genre Game Simulator Kerbal Space Program Survival Horror 7 Days to Die Action-adventure , Survival Rust 4X , Strategy Endless Legend RPG Pillars of Eternity City-Building, Management Simulation Cities Skylines So really anything!
Time for some Examples! General Start up clip
Video 1 Here
Let’s try some Multiplayer Desktop Capture of two game Clients
Video 2 Here
Wasn’t that fun? Now Let’s take a look at the development environment
Video 3 Here
How about GUI?
Video 4 Here
Video 5 Here
Unity is Versatile Unity is universal engine with a large framework with a large pre-existing API Unity can make many kinds of games for any kind of development team Unity has thousands of tutorials online as well as many active forums Unity is primarily using a language we’ve already learned Why not give Unity a shot in your free time!
Sources http://unity3d.com/ http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/index.html http://forum.unity3d.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unity_games#2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_%28game_engine%29 Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/quill18creates https://www.youtube.com/user/TurnGameOn https://www.youtube.com/user/BrentFarris https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedTutor Models / Animations: Taken from Unity Asset store for Free Use