Budget Categories Income--$$$ coming IN Expenses--$$$ going OUT Fixed Flexible Discretionary Savings (10% of income)
Fixed Expenses Regular Payments (Fixed every month) Rent (Up to 30% of your income) House payment (Up to 30% of your income) Car payment Insurance premiums
Flexible Expenses Regular Expense (have some control) Utilities (water, electricity) Clothing Groceries
Discretionary Expenses Spending within your control Entertainment Video Games Cell phone Cosmetics Eating Out
Steps for Creating a Budget Evaluate Income Evaluate Expenses Record the Numbers! (Excel has some budgeting templates.) Estimate first, then put in actual numbers as the occur.
Advantages for Creating a Budget Allowing individuals to plan ahead for expenses Reducing money-related anxiety Helping to avoid overspending Creating a savings plan Helping to avoid late fees and additional interest charges associated with late payments
Ways to Cut Expenses and Save Adjust flexible expenses Plan discretionary expenses Do not carry cash—too easy to spend Pay off debt as fast as possible Control use of credit cards Pay bills on time Change jar Open savings account in another bank
Final Tip ALWAYS PAY YOURSELF FIRST!!! (SAVE!!!) Shoot for 10% of income