contents Personal information Goals Literacy Math's Social science P.E Arts Tech I.c.t Enviro ed Term reflection
Personal information Name : James vercoe D.O.B : August Hobbies : basketball,rugby,games,movies Favorite movies: watchmen, What subjects I like: math,Tec,art Favorite sport: rugby,softball,basketball James acrostic peo.docx
goals My goals are to work hard and achieve my honors badge. My long term goals are to achieve my doubles honors badge and get awards at prize giving. How to achieve this: I will work hard and help others and try to get into school-wide activities and join as many things that I can I would like to improve my writing skills vocabulary.
Literacy literacy\Learning Pathways.pdf These are my strengths: Understand meanings or ideas in historical texts, Understand and interpret information accurately, Distinguish & describe voices & perspectives in literary text, Identify language features in historical texts, Make inferences, Knowledge of vocabulary Goals for term two are improve my spelling and my vocabulary
maths maths\Learning Pathways (2).pdf My strengths are Order decimals up to 3 decimal places, Sketch & interpret graphs which represent everyday situations and Explain the meaning & evaluate powers of whole numbers Things I did to improve on are Solve problems of the type Write/solve story problems involving Find & express rules for any member of number sequence Demonstrate knowledge of conventions for order of operations Make sensible estimates & check reasonableness of answers Write & solve whole number/decimal problems using +, -, x, / Goals term two I would like to improve on my number knowledge and in my algebra to improve this I would have to ask for help if I need it and develop new skills I have improve my algebra in term one but I would like to learn more
Social science My goals for next term are to finish my science assignments on time and
P.E For P.E we were learning new skills in tennis and other sports so when I trail for sports that it would make easier to get into the teams
ARTS For future this term I was in drama class and I received a merit award Mrs. Perry my goal was that I would gain confidents when act in front of other people
TECH This term for I was in food Tec and we learnt about a healthy food balance
I.C.T For ICT for this term where focus on finishing our portfolio, wet paint, wiki spaces, Gmail, wordle, blogger, learnz virtual field trips,
TERM REFLECTION My reflection for math's are that I have improve my algebra and ratios and proportional thinking My reflection on literacy are that I am improving my speed in reading My goals for term one were that I would keep on task finish all my work