Mrs Prydderch & Mr Wright
Year Five Staff Teachers: Mrs Prydderch Mr Wright Teaching Assistants: Mrs O’Mara and Mr Bloor
Maths Place Value The Four Rules Problem Solving Data Handling Shape Fractions, percentages & Decimals Time Angles & Symmetry Area & Perimeter
Literacy Focus on Vocabulary Connectives Openers Punctuation Independent Writing Journals Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (SPaG) Talk for writing
Literacy Activities 30 minutes of reading activities each day to reinforce basic skills Tasks:Guided Reading (With Teacher) Follow up Task Reciprocal Read (Group) Reading for Pleasure Comprehension
Topics: Autumn - Saxons Spring - London Life Summer - Groovy Greeks
Other Subject Areas Science - Earth and Space, All living things, Forces, Properties & Changes of Materials, Animals, including humans. Computing - E-safety, Programming, Technology in our lives, Multimedia, Handling data. R.E.- Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Reverend Reynolds visit. French - All about me, At school and work, Hobbies, Food and drink, Out and about. P.E. – Basketball, Gymnastics, Rugby, Dance, Cricket, Athletics, Dodgeball, Swimming. Music – Wider opportunity (instruments), Music express programme. Art/Design Technology – Batick, Sketching/rubbings, 3D Spacecraft, Bridges, Motor Boats, Greek Pottery. PSHCE – New beginnings, Getting on and falling out, Bullying, Going for goals, Good to be me, Relationships, Changes, SRE.
P.E. Days Bring PE kit in on Monday and return home on Friday P.E. is on a Monday morning (Indoor) and a Tuesday afternoon (Outdoor) Children change in the boy/ girl changing rooms Kits- pumps/ trainers, blue t-shirt, black shorts. Sweatshirts and jogging trousers for colder weather Towel- have shower facilities when needed Return kits after sporty ‘after school clubs’ Remove earrings for P.E. days Swimming will begin later in the new year
Reading Books Children should read aloud with a parent/ adult every night Please sign and comment in the reading diary if you have heard your child read The children are able to swap their finished book for a new one if the teacher can see that a parent has signed to say the book has been read
Homework Reading 20 minutes every night if possible. All homework will be given out to the children on Fridays and will need to be completed for the following Wednesday. Homework will include: Mental Maths Book Science or Topic homework Literacy/Spellings, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)
Lunch The children will be encouraged to bring home everything they do not eat so you can see what is left. We do encourage healthy eating and children who stay for school meals will be encouraged to try everything. Water bottles – please provide a named water bottle for your child to use each day in class. This should be taken home every weekend. Old trainers shoes for the MUGA
Year Five Residential London – Spring Term (March) Details of this to follow.
Parents’ Evening 21 st and 22 nd October Spring term
Drop-ins Monday evenings 3:15-3:45 Any concerns please feel free to speak to us at any time Contact numbers. Please check that at the office that we hold your most up to date details.